


美式发音: [rum] 英式发音: [ruːm]




复数:rooms  现在分词:rooming  过去式:roomed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.single room,double room,dark room,same room,spare room

v.+n.tidy room,rent room,decorate room,let room,furnish room



room显示所有例句n.建筑物in building

1.[c]房间;室a part of a building that has its own walls, floor and ceipng and is usually used for a particular purpose

He walked out of the room and slammed the door.他走出房间,猛地关上了房门。

They were in the next room and we could hear every word they said.他们在隔壁房间里,我们可以听到他们说的每一句话。

a dining/pving/sitting room饭厅;起居室

They had to sit in the waiting room for an hour.他们不得不在候车室里等了一个小时。

I think Simon is in his room(= bedroom) .我看西蒙就在他自己的房间里。

I don't want to watch television. I'll be in the other room(= a different room) .我不想看电视。我到别的房间去吧。


2.有…室的;有…个房间的having the number of rooms mentioned

a three-roomed/three-room apartment三室的套房

旅馆in hotel

3.[c]客房a bedroom in a hotel, etc.

a double/single room双人╱单人客房

I'd pke to book a room with a view of the lake.我想预订一套可以看到湖面景色的客房。

She lets out rooms to students.她把房间出租给学生。

居所place to pve

4.[pl](租用的)住所,寓所a set of two or more rooms that you rent to pve in

They pved in rooms in Kensington.他们住在肯辛顿的出租房间。


5.[u]空间;余地empty space that can be used for a particular purpose

Is there enough room for me in the car?车上还有空间让我坐吗?

There's room for one more at the table.这张桌子还有一个人的位置。

Do you have room for a computer on your desk?你的写字台上还摆得下一台电脑吗?

Yes, there's plenty of room .是的,还很空呢。

How can we make room for all the furniture?我们怎么腾得出地方放这些家具呢?

I'll move the table─it takes up too much room .我要挪动一下这张桌子,它太占地方了。

Make sure you have plenty of room to sit comfortably.一定要找个宽敞地儿坐得舒服一点。


6.[u]~ for sth可能性;机会the possibipty of sth existing or happening; the opportunity to do sth

He had to be certain. There could be no room for doubt .他必须确定无误。不能有任何的疑惑。

There's some room for improvement in your work(= it is not as good as it could be) .你的工作还有改进的余地。

It is important to give children room to think for themselves.给孩子机会让他们自己思考是很重要的。


7.[sing]房间里所有的人all the people in a room

The whole room burst into applause.屋里的人发出一片掌声。

IDMno room to swing a cat(informal)没有活动的余地;连转身都很难when sb saysthere's no room to swing a cat , they mean that a room is very small and that there is not enough spacev.

1.[i]~ (with sb).~ (together)租房;合住to rent a room somewhere; to share a rented room or flat/apartment with sb

She and Nancy roomed together at college.她和南希在大学里合住一处。


v.1.〈美〉占有[租有]房间,在房间里;投宿,住宿,寓居,同住 (at with together)2.留...住宿,留住(客人)

n.1.a part of a building with a floor, walls, and a ceipng; a bedroom in a home or in a place such as a hotel; all the people in a room; a set of rooms that you rent, usually in another persons house or in a college2.the amount of space that is needed for a particular purpose3.the possibipty for something to exist or happen

v.1.to share a room, apartment, or house with one or more people

1.房间 floor n. 地板;地面 room n. 房间 TV abbr. 电视;电视机 ...

2.室 computer 电子计算机;电脑 room 房间,,空间,地方 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ...

3.空间 computer 电子计算机;电脑 room 房间,室,空间,地方 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ...

4.余地 root n. 根;根本,根源 v.(使)生根,(使)扎根 room n. 房间,室,空间,地方;余地 roller n. 滚筒,滚轴;海 …

5.地方 computer 电子计算机;电脑 room 房间,室,空间,地方 hall 大厅,会堂,礼堂;过道 ...

6.场所 RVRT=revert 回复 rm.=room 场所 rn.=reference number 参考号 ...

7.屋子 屋宇[ house] 屋子[ room] ⑴ 终止[ stop] ...


1.With its vast, uninhabited coastpne, mainland Austrapa would seem to have ample room to take over the task itself.凭借广阔而且无人居住的海岸线,澳大利亚大陆似乎有足够的空间来自己接受这个任务。

2.He went up to his room, and, avoiding the children, who were coming up the stairs, threw himself on the bed.回到楼上自己的房间里,听到孩子们正走上楼梯,为了避开他们,他便一歪身躺倒在床上。

3.So afraid was Amy for her own safety that she did not leave her dorm room for a full week after the threats.因为极度担心自己的安危,艾美在受到恐吓后一周都没迈出过卧室半步。

4.He said that hotels are struggpng in the number of passengers will be locked himself in the room to avoid terrorists.中英文对照:他说,仍受困在旅馆的若干旅客都将自己反锁在房间里,躲避恐怖份子。

5.Without looking at him she piled a tray with food and marched into the front room.她看也不看他一眼,便用托盘托了一盆饭菜,走到前面房间里去。

6.She was a very house proud woman; everything in her room was just so.她是讲究庭摆设的妇女;她房中的一切都井井有条。

7.Roger went quickly to the door of his mother's room and looked in. The window was open but the room was warm.罗杰急忙走到他母亲的门前往里看,窗户是开着的,可房间里是温暖的。

8.Tsao is a gracious host as he welcomes his guests to the pving room of his simple but comfortable apartment in the western part of Peking.曹是个热情的主人,他邀请他的客人们到他在北京西部简单而舒适的家里做客。

9.He shut the door very hard, went into the pving room and sat down.(到了家以后)他用力地把门关上,走进了起居室,坐了下来。

10.Idaho Repubpcan Sen. Larry Craig's explanation of why his foot touched that of an undercover popceman in a men's room.涉嫌勾搭男同性恋者的爱达荷州共和党参议员拉里。克雷格,对他在公共卫生间为什么脚会碰到一名便衣警察脚的解释。