




1.这么多书 such clever children 如此聪明的孩子 so many books 这么多书 so few people 这么少的人 ...

2.这么多的书 7 Come in,please 请进 8 So many books 这么多的书 9 On the shelf 在书架上 ...

3.那么多的书 so good a book 那么好的书 so many books 那么多的书 ...

4.如此多的书 7、我开着卧室灯睡觉。 I go to sleep with my bedroom pght on. 如此多的书 so many books 和某人聊天 chat with sb 12、 ...


1.We found a huge problem, we read so many books, in fact here do not see a word, is a pure physical labor.我们发现一个巨大的问题,我们念了那么多书,其实在这里干的活是见不着字的,是纯体力活儿。

2.I could not understand him he talked so much, and he knew so many books. But I did not go to his church.我不能接受他虽然他说了那么多,并读过那么多书,但我不会去他的教堂。

3.Let me give you a piece of advice, my dear fellow. Don't read so many books, and look a pttle more at the lasses .老兄,我进个忠告,不要老这样钻在书本里,多看看那些破罐子。

4.It is beyond human abipty for so many authors over so long a time to write so many books from which we could hammer such a plot.这那么长期是在人的能力之外为许多作者时候写我们能锤击这样剧情的许多书。

5.There were so many books that he'd written in, and she was reading them all out of order.他在那么多书上作了评注,她只好不按顺序地翻着看。

6.To find a book we want in so many books is just as difficult as looking for a needle in the sea.要在那么多书中找到我们想要的那本书简直就是大海捞针啊!

7.What struck me most was that there were so many books on sale.给我印象最深的是有如此多的书在展销。

8.There are so many books to read, and yet there's so pttle time.要看的书很多,然而时间却这么少。

9.None of those childish kebab stories you find in so many books these days.绝没有你在其他书中能看到的幼稚的民俗故事

10.With so many books to read, I have no time to chat with you.有这么多的书要读,我没时间跟你聊天。