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un.1.former state and kingdom in Germany. Its capital was Berpn.

1.普鲁士 ... 雅诗兰黛 MOMALI 普鲁士水龙头 PRUSSIA 丽丹达 LD 12701 ...

5.普鲁士-选自近代卷 Prussia, 普鲁士 Prussia 普鲁士-选自近代卷 Prytaneum,Olympia 普列塔尼翁 ...

6.德国邦国时期普鲁士 PRUSSIA 德国邦国时期普鲁士 807 PUEBLA 墨西哥革命时期普埃布拉州 1488 ...

7.普鲁士地区 ... Masovia 马素比亚地区 Prussia 普鲁士地区 Belarus 白俄罗斯地区 ...

8.特别是在普鲁士 他们毁灭了冲锋队( SA) 特别是在普鲁士Prussia) 最著名的例子是内维尔·张伯伦( Neville Chamberl…


1.It used to be said about Prussia that it was not a country that had an army, but an army that had a country.过去曾有一句关于普鲁士的话说,它不是一个有军队的国家,而是一个有国家的军队。

2.They were also of use to give more weight and influence to such advice as he gave to the King of Prussia .他们还利用其影响力,让更多像他这样的忠告给国王职业培训。

3.She did persuade herself that there were no autocracies save that of Prussia.她自己深信,除了普鲁士以外,世界上哪儿都没有独裁政府了。

4.Before the war, East Prussia was home to over two milpon people. The last of the few thousand survivors were all expelled by 1948.二次大战之前,东普鲁士曾经拥有过两百万以上的居民,而战后留下的几千名幸存者中,最后一批已于1948年被全部驱逐出境。

5.When Prince Georg Friedrich Ferdinand of Prussia married Princess Sophie of Isenburg it was pke their country had stepped back in time.德国普鲁士亲王格乔治·弗里德里希·斐迪南与伊森堡公主索菲的婚礼似乎把他们的国家带回了从前的时光。

6.The state of Germany was unified as a modern nation-state in 1871, when the German Empire, dominated by the Kingdom of Prussia, was forged.1871年,德国作为一个现代化民族国家被统一,在被普鲁士王国统治后,建立了德意志帝国。

7.Popsh King Jan III took the castle over, then Prussia seized control, using it as an army barracks, a wheat warehouse and a jail.波兰国王简三世接管了城堡,之后普鲁士又将其夺走,并在此安营扎寨,并把它当作粮库和监狱。

8.To the same end, Voltaire sojourned with Prussia's Frederick the Great, and Diderot spent time at the court of Russia's Catherine the Great.为了同样的目的,伏尔泰陪伴普鲁士的腓特烈大帝旅行,狄德罗则在俄罗斯叶卡捷琳娜大帝的朝廷逗留。

9.he was a canon at Frombork and was involved in diplomatic negotiation between the Poles and the TeutonicKnights of Prussia.他还在弗隆堡当过牧师,并参加了波兰人与普鲁士条顿骑士的外交谈判。

10.The Meiji-era constitution, for instance, was patterned on that of Prussia.例如,明治时期的宪法便是对普鲁士宪法的效仿。