




1.周易全书 赤鹰 kangmeng 梦之帆 zhouyi 菏泽学院 smile ...

4.财运 黄金知识/ huangjinzhishixueyuan/ 财运/ zhouyi/ 股票/ gupiao/ ...

5.随缘济世 ... zongfa 杰出小鱼 zhouyi 随缘济世 cat_az 佛心缘 ...

6.了过福来 ... caopeng78 博兴 zhouyi 了过福来 west2010 江海碧波 ...

7.尘埃誓言 ... haidisha 苏州明月 zhouyi 尘埃誓言 s7468 大慈大悲 ...

8.家居风水 http://www.woqiming网址被屏蔽/mingzi/ 周易起名 http://www.woqiming网址被屏蔽/zhouyi/ 家居风水 ...


1.The integration of traditional Chinese medicine and the Zhouyi is one of the core issues in the culture of Chinese medicine.中医文化范围甚广,医易会通是其中的核心问题。

2.Kuang Zhouyi was an excellent writer and theoretician of Ci in Late Qing Dynasty.况周颐是晚清重要词人和词学理论家。

3.Zhouyi is an encyclopedical Chinese ancient book which represents the greatest wisdom of human being.《周易》是一部包容广大,代表人类最高智慧的中国古代典籍。

4.The Zhouyi is one of the most ancient and prominent classics in the history of Chinese culture.《周易》是中国文化史上最古老、也是地位最显要的一部典籍。

5.The great contribution of The Book of Changes (Zhouyi) to Chinese culture is well-known.《易经》对中国文化的极大贡献是众所周知的。

6.As two classics of traditional Chinese culture, Lao zi and Zhouyi are venerated as a wisdom collection of ancient Chinese society.《老子》与《周易》是中国传统文化中的两部经典,是中国古代社会的智慧结晶。

7.ZhouYi Divination falls into this category with unique basis and experiences to the Unknown, absolutely different from modern divination.周易预测是中国传统预测方法,和现代预测理论截然不同,它是有着独特的理论基础和实践经验的未知世界。

8.1711 years in yangzhou heavy carved the zhouyi, meaning "the moment all gold poems seventy-three. "1711年在扬州重雕《周易本义》,刻《钦定全金诗》七十三卷。

9.As a source book of Confucianism, the values in the Zhouyi are also the characteristics of virtuous aspirations.作为儒家思想渊源的周易,其价值取向也有诉求德行之特质。

10.ZhouYi: not to say do friends, I mean will "do" with friends.周怡:不是说做不做朋友,我是说会不会跟朋友“做”。