




1.半人猛犸 Lion 恶魔巫师 magnus 半人猛犸 medusa 蛇发女妖(大那加) ...

2.马格努斯 哈默尼·克林 Harmony Korine 《马努斯Magnus 《盲山》 Mang Shan ...


1.Growing up in England as the son of two archaeologist parents meant that Magnus Renfrew spent much of his childhood in museums.马格纳斯•伦弗鲁(MagnusRenfrew)来说,在英国长大、父母双方都是考古学家这种背景注定了他童年的很多时光都是在博物馆度过的。

2.Magnus runs a fantastic "ship" here - when your handwritten welcoming card says "Welcome to our Home" , you know you've found a real gem.Magnus在这里好比在经营着一艘奇妙无比的“轮船”――-当你拿到写着“欢迎到我们的家”的招待卡时,你会发现你找对地方了。

3.Again Magnus waved, about to yield to his better instincts and to the entreaties of his wife.曼克奈斯不禁又迟疑起来,眼看快听从自己的本能,听从他妻子的恳求了。

4.No doubt, he had come to make a fresh attempt to win over Magnus to the unholy alpance.没有问题,他这一次来,一定是想再设法说服曼克奈斯来加入这见不得人的联盟。

5.What kind of store is robbed in a way that catches Helen Magnus's attention at the beginning of Folding Man?在缩骨人这集的开头,什么商店被劫引起了海伦·玛格纳斯的注意?

6.The rotorcraft are mainly composed of a frame, a control lever, free rotary wings, a Magnus effect drive system, a tailplane and a gas tank.它是由由机架、操纵杆、自由旋翼、马格纳斯效应驱动系统、尾翼和燃气罐为主要部件组成。

7.Not so quick, argues George Magnus, senior economic adviser at UBS Investment Bank in London.这是否昭示了旧世界秩序的终结?瑞银投资银行驻伦敦资深经济顾问GeorgeMagnus认为,没这麽快。

8.This lateral deflection of a ball in fpght is generally known as the "Magnus effect" .这种球在飞行中发生水平位移的现象一般被称为“马格纳斯效应”。

9.But Magnus still may warn that it was too early to say that the eruption was completely over.但是Magnus仍然警告称,目前断言火山喷发已经完全结束还为时过早。

10.It might be as well to consult Magnus and Mrs . Derrick.还是找曼克奈斯和台力克太太去商量吧。