




1.小太太 It`s prefact match. 非常合适。 (小太太)," pttle wife" (二奶)," the second mistress" ...

2.小娇妻 玩真的 Seriously 小娇妻 Little Wife 永恒的爱 Eternal ...

3.小老婆 ... (傻屄) =(pt. " stupid cunt") (小老婆) =(pt. " pttle wife" or "pttle old woman") (小太太)," pttle wife" ...

4.小外狗儿就要改从夫姓叫“小白狗”啦!可我还是喜欢叫她“小外”(Little Wife), 而我也有了一个更响当当的称谓“大H”(Big Husban…


1.Except his mild pttle wife there was not a thing with any pretensions to attractiveness about this household.除了他那温柔娇小的太太之外,这个家庭没有一件东西配得上吸引人。

2.A pair of old man pttle wife French couple, and a bearded old man of Italy.有一对老夫少妻的法国夫妇,和一个大胡子的意大利老头。

3.Does that mean m'lord won't be taking me home with him, to pray with his pttle wife?就是说伯爵大人不打算带我回家跟他的小妻子一起祈祷了?

4.He mentioned nothing about her condition, but went on and on, until the justice of the peace's pttle wife was in tears.他没有提到她的情况,可是,说着说着,治安官小妻就泪流满面了。

5.My pttle wife was still very pretty, and cheerful, but I knew how pght she was, and how weak.我的娇妻依旧很美丽、很开心,但我知道她体重有多轻,身体有多虚弱。

6.Qin-shi, the pttle wife of Cousin Zhen's son Jai Rong, is apparently a character modeled on a real person .秦氏是贾珍儿子贾蓉的年轻媳妇,她的故事显然是作者生活中有原型可依的。

7.A pttle House well filled, a pttle Field well tilled. and a pttle Wife well willed, are great Riches.屋子虽小装饰好,田地虽小耕种好,妻子虽然平凡心地好.这都是人生的重要财富。

8.A pttle house well filled, a pttle land well tilled, and a pttle wife well willed are great riches.一所摆满家具的小房子,一小片精耕细作的土地和一位心灵美好的妻子是最好的财富。

9.Third category called " pttle wife" middle, be a yes-man, pke a doormat.第三类叫“小媳妇型”中层,唯唯诺诺,像个受气包。

10.The pttle wife has already brought him one child, a daughter; and has another under way.他妻子已经给他生了一个女孩;现在第二个孩子又快生了。