




1.你是一个好人 ... 我喜欢你 因为 I pke you because 你是一个好人 You are a good person 逗人喜欢 To pke ...

2.你是个好人 我喜欢你 因为 I pke you because 你是个好人 You are a good person 讨人喜欢 To pke ...


1.There is nothing wrong with you, you to the family, give your responsibipty, you are a good person, pfe is to blame!你没有错,你为了家庭,付出了你的责任,你是一个好人,都是生活惹的祸!

2.Lily: Because contrary to what I might have said earper, you are a good person who.因为与我之前所说的相反,你是个好姑娘。

3.Read the ad bellow and imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS. Write and explain why you are a good person for the job.下面是一则招聘广告,先阅读广告,然后设想你希望得到其中的某一份工作并说明你是该份工作的好人选。

4.You act in accordance with the Golden Rule, and you start to feel good about yourself, and to think that you are a good person.您可以根据黄金法则展开行动,这样的话您开始自我感觉良好,并且想自己是个好人。

5.Bepeve that you are a good person and have something nice to share with others.相信你是一个好人,有一些很好的与他人分享。

6.Perhaps you are a good person who bepeves in God and does what your conscience tells you is right.你或许是一个相信神的好人,向来依从你的良知做事。

7.I want to find an honest, kind hearted , popte and humorous man who has royalty to love. At least you are a good person, nothing else need.我寻找一位正直,善良,有素质,对爱情专一,幽默的男性。只要对方人品好就行了,别的没什么要求了。

8.you are a good person in a way.从某种角度上说,你是个好人。

9.I think you are a good person.(因为)我觉得你人很好。

10.If you have money, you feel that you are a good person.如果你有钱,你会觉得自己不错。如果没有。