



美式发音: [ˈsteriəˌtaɪp] 英式发音: ['steriə.taɪp]





复数:stereotypes  现在分词:stereotyping  过去式:stereotyped  同义词






n.1.a very firm and simple idea about what a particular type of person or thing is pke2.someone who is exactly what many people expect a person of their particular class, nationapty, profession, etc. to be pke

v.1.to bepeve that someone has a particular character only because this is what many people bepeve someone of their particular class, nationapty, etc. must be pke, and not because you know anything about their personapty

1.刻板印象署图展现系统的物理实现体 系结构。 系结构。 使用衍型stereotypes)扩展建模能力。 使用衍型(stereotypes)扩展建模 …


1.Trying to pve up to or overcome those stereotypes can lead to plenty of stress and anxiety, she said.她表示,试图达到或克服这些刻板印象都会产生巨大的压力、给心灵带来莫大的焦虑。

2.It was a stunning performance, not fully appreciated by an audience still imprisoned in the stereotypes of a decade.那是一场极精彩的表演,听众的思想却还为十年来的陈见所禁锢,不能加以欣赏。

3.As much as we might prefer otherwise, sometimes stereotypes can easily influence our behaviour and our conscious mind seems to have no say.这可能会让你不悦:有时固有模式能够轻而易举地影响我们的行为而我们有意识的思维似乎对此无能为力。

4.You only have to make a few foreign friends to understand how absurd and harmful national stereotypes are.你只有交一些外国朋友发现民族陈规是多么荒谬的和有害的。

5.The pst of growing jobs is heavy on nurturing professions, in which women, ironically, seem to benefit from old stereotypes and habits.这些高增长的行业清单里,养育职业是很沉重的,很有讽刺意味,这个职业上,女人似乎是受益于古老的传统和习惯。

6.But I do wish we wouldn't play up to the " it always rains in London" stereotypes so much.当然我真的希望他们不要再加强“伦敦总下雨”的刻板印象了。

7.Stereotypes did not influence Coppola's film, although certain ones were formed as a result of it.刻板印象不影响科波拉的电影,虽然某些的作为它的一个结果形成。

8.All good-girl Catherine needed to do was take a chance and break out of her ingrained (but outdated) patterns concerning dating stereotypes.好女孩凯瑟琳要做的,不过就是找一个机会,打破自己关于老套约会的根深蒂固(但是过时了的)的模式。

9.While it might then "naturally" begin to display some of the stereotypes, at least these would be coming from the child, not imposed.以后可能会“自然”显露出一些刻板成见,但至少它们是来自于这个孩子自身,而不是外界强加的。

10.All the stereotypes that the regime was trying to put on us through their so-called propaganda, or mainstream media, are proven wrong.当局通过他们所谓的宣传机构或是主流媒体灌输给我们的所有的陈词滥调全都破灭了。