

aphid:[英 [ˈeɪfɪd] 美 [ˈefɪd, ˈæfɪd] ]



aphid 基本解释



aphid 网络解释


1. 蚜虫 蚜蟲:aperiodicity 不定期 非週期性 Y | Aphid 蚜虫 蚜蟲 Y | aphotic zone 无光带 無光層 Y

2. 桃蚜:蚜虫:aphid | 桃蚜:aphid | 水曲柳:Seed dispersal

aphid 双语例句

1. Bt crystal proteins were then added to the diet to test their toxicity to the aphid, thereby providing a reliable method for bioassaying Bt with aphids.


2. The results showed that the wolly apple aphid distributed in Linfen, Yuncheng, Changzhi and Jinzhong Prefecture.


3. Based on the studies of the influence of host plant on biological characters of Myzus persicae, the effect of different temperature and host plant on the life table of the aphid isstudied.


4. aphid

4. With the aim of forecasting the wheat-aphid relationships under different precipitation in the future atmospheric CO 2 environment, the effects of different atmospheric CO 2 concentration on Rhopalsiphum padi population under different soil water levels in Open-Top chambers were studied.

利用开顶式熏气室研究了不同土壤水分条件下不同CO2 浓度对禾谷缢管蚜种群的影响,以期对未来大气CO2 浓度升高条件下不同降雨地区的小麦蚜虫关系发展趋势做出初步预测。


5. The multicoloured Asian ladybeetle, Harmonia axyridis, is a well-known aphid predator in its native Asian range and appears a threat to native species after imported into America and Europe.

异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis 在亚洲地区是一种重要的捕食性天敌昆虫,但是当引入到欧美后,对当地的物种产生了威胁。

6. aphid

6. Chinese Cinnamaldehyde Cinnamaldehyde alias, Lauraceae plants are dry skin and cinnamon bark obtained by steam distillation of volatile oil in the main component of research in recent years are more root canal sterilization drug, it can seriously undermine the bacterial cell surface structure, and thus has a wider antibacterial spectrum and strong antibacterial activity; gallnut hundred, also known as worms, insect species are Schlechtendalia Schlechtendalia or times aphid eggs in their parasitic plants Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis, Green bran Yang Yang, such as bran or red tree gall formation, the main ingredient for gallnut tannin, can solidification microbial protoplasts and a variety of body enzymes, a wide range of bacteria, fungi, yeasts are inhibited.


7. Chinese Cinnamaldehyde which also named Cinnamaldehyde alias, is the main component of volatile oil which obtained by steam distillation from dry skin and cinnamon bark of lauraceae plants. It is researched as a root canal sterilization drug in recent years, it can seriously undermine the bacterial cell surface structure, and thus has a wider antibacterial spectrum and strong antibacterial activity; gallnut hundred, also known as worms, it is a kind of gall that be formatted by Schlechtendalia species of insects including Schlechtendalia and times aphid eggs in their parasitic plants Anacardiaceae Rhus chinensis, Green bran Yang or red bran Yang, the main ingredient for gallnut tannin, can solidification microbial protoplasts and a variety of body enzymes, a wide range of bacteria, fungi, yeasts are inhibited.


8. aphid在线翻译

8. Myzus persicae also occurred periodically as that of the turnip aphid, but appeared several months later and almost constantly occurred in November during the three years.


9. aphid的反义词

9. Asian citrus psyllids and in the Citrus Aphis citricola both the phloem feeding insects, but insect feeding behavior of two significant differences, in addition to two kinds of insects share a common EPG wave (A wave, B wave, C wave, E1 wave, E2 wave, G wave), the wave of Aphis citricola appeared in the path of many pd wave, pd wave is aphids in plant cells in the epidermis during exploratory puncture the cell membrane caused by feeding, which kind of contact information on the intracellular selection in the aphid host plant play an important role in the process.

求中文翻英文翻译,很急,谢谢亚洲柑桔木虱和绣线菊蚜在沙田柚上都为韧皮部取食性昆虫,然而,两种昆虫的取食行为有明显差异,除了两种昆虫拥有共同的EPG波形(A波、B波、C波、E1波、E2波、G波)外,绣线菊蚜在路径波中出现很多pd波,pd 波是蚜虫在植物表皮层细胞的试探性取食时刺破细胞膜而产生的,这种对胞内信息的接触在蚜虫选择宿主植物的过程中起了重要作用。


10. Sorghum; resistance aphid gene; molecule marker; RAPD(Random Amplify Polymorphism DNA



11. The results of appraisal of main characters showed that varieties with high stalk and late maturing respectively make up 83.2 percent and 99.2 percent of the total, 1000-grain weight and per ear grain weight in a great deal varieties were of 20-25g and 35-60g separetely with high yield nature highly resistant to spike millet borer and slightly resistant to anthracnose, but no resistance to sorghum aphid.

主要特征特性鉴定结果表明,在贵州酒用高粱资源中,高秆、晚熟品种分别占总数的83.2%和99.2%,千粒重、穗粒重大多分别为20-25 g和35-60 g,丰产性较好,不抗高粱蚜,高抗粟穗螟,较抗炭疽病。

12. In 1982, two field strains of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glov., werecollected from Dongtai County and Jiangpu County of Jiangsu Province, and testedwith eight insecticides by means of topical application method, recommendedby The Animal Research Institute of Academia Sinica.


13. The results showed that the LD50 of pymetrozine to RF27 was 1.213×10^(-5)μg/aphid, to XJ was 8.506×10^(-5) g/aphid, and to SS was 5.140×10^(-5)μg/aphid, so RF27 exhibited obviously negative cross-resistance to pymetrozine.


14. According to the change of the enemy's quantity and the qualitative theory of the differential equation, we research the spruce aphides and its predator system. At the same time, we discussion the spruce aphid multiplication model when the natural enemy quantity is a certain value and the periodic oscillating model whose the quantity of the natural enemy changes along with the time. Obtains the stability condition of the balance point and the limit-cycle existing condition, the system presents the dissipative structure's character. Finally it explains that this theoretical analysis has certain practical significance regarding the preventing and controlling harmful insect.


15. Cotton aphid is one of the most important insect pests of cotton in China.


16. Scientists at Rothamsted Research have been monitoring the flying form of all aphid species for 42 years.


17. There was high homology of amino acid sequence between the cotton aphid and other insects.


18. Making method and skill of glass specimen of aphid were introduced.


19. The study was done in order to provide reference for cotton aphid's effective control.


20. The main measure of the prevention if aphid's harm is spraying with insecticide at the present time.


aphid 词典解释

1. 蚜虫

Aphids are very small insects which live on plants and suck their juices.


aphid 英英释义


1. any of various small plant-sucking insects