




1.也许是一个机会 If U had one shot 如果有东西打动你 One opportunity 也许是一个机会 ...

2.一个时机 ... if you had one shot( 如果你有一个机会) one opportunity一个时机


1.If he misses one opportunity he never hides, he's always there to get himself in the right position for the next time.如果他错过了机会是不会遮遮掩掩的,他总是让自己下次出现在正确的位置上。

2.Mr. Buffett slammed the door on one opportunity after another during the most harrowing stretch of his storied career.过去那段日子在他赫赫有名的职业生涯中实属艰难,他拒绝了一个又一个机会。

3.You only get one opportunity pke this and I had to take it.既然我只得到了一个就业机会,那当然要好好利用。

4.When I read you AD, I said to myself that this is the one opportunity I shouldn't pass up.当我看到贵公司的广告时,我就告诉我自己,我绝不错过这次机会。

5.It's a one-opportunity show -- unless there are other theatres in a state of partial renovation.这是一出唯一机会的演出——除非其他剧院也做这种局部革新。

6.What's more, younger workers are often perceived as job hoppers -- quick to jump from one opportunity to the next.此外,较年轻的员工常常被视为容易跳槽。

7.There's only one opportunity a year, so I need to enjoy tomorrow.一年之中只有这一个机会,所以我需要在明天好好地享受。

8.In the seven photographers, only one opportunity to choose one photographer to take pictures, who would you choose? Why?在这七位摄影师中,只有唯一的机会选择一位摄影师拍照,你选谁?为什么?

9.The first one Opportunity Fool's Day pe in the most common tricks is to inform you friends to do anything immediately.第一招顺水推舟愚人节骗人招数中最常见的就是朋友通知你马上去做什么事情。

10.But, in a purely simultaneous move game, each player can have at most one opportunity to act.但是,在纯粹的同时博弈中,每个参与者都最多只有一个机会行动。