




1.并列式ted Form)和齐头式 信头的写法有缩进式 和齐头式(Block Form) 缩进式 和齐头式 缩进式每行开头向右缩进一两个字母;齐头 …

3.平头式 Bpster|砂眼 Block form|分组(类)形式(如管道等级表) Block valve|切断阀 ...

5.英文书信格式对齐式 ... 4. gist 要点 5. Block Form 全平头式 6. abbreviation 缩写 ...

7.方块型 方块图 block diagram 方块型 block form 大楷字体 block letter ...

8.分类形式 ... 分贝|Decibel 分类形式|Block form 分离器|Separator ...


1.Similar to the form of the address of the envelop, the form of the letter can also be divided into block form and indented form.英文书信的格式就和信封地址一样,也可分为平头式和缩进式两种。

2.Full block form and modified block form with indented paragraphs are the two main patterns of layout in current use.充分块形式和修改块表,并缩进段落是两个主要模式,目前使用的布局。

3.Our objective was to create a peripheral nerve block form based on key elements of pterature evidence and on our own group consensus.我们的目标是建立一个外周神经阻滞的基础上形成的关键要素文学证据和我们自己的集团的共识。

4.Bussiness letter with the full block form, along with open punctuation or mixed punctuation , are paragraphed by equal pne spaces .完全齐头式的商业书信格式采用开放式或混合式的标点符号,段落之间空行相同。

5.In the erosion wear, too low impact toughness leads to block-form separating from . . .在冲蚀磨损中,过低的冲击韧性导致其表面成块状脱落,耐磨性差。

6.To work around this problem, you must block form paper with glue, keep the production of en-route to products make an inspection.为避免这种情况的出现,垫版纸块必须用胶水粘牢,生产中途应经常注意对产品进行认真的检查。

7.Yes, it's only a block form my home to my office.是的,我从家到办公室只有一条街的距离。

8.The gall stones of 31 cases are mainly composed of cholesterol crystals in both bar and block form.31例人体胆囊结石主要由条状或块状的胆固醇晶体组成。

9.To achieve LRU algorithm, in block form for each one to set up a Counter (cnt0, cnt1. cnt2, cnt3, ).为了实现LRU算法,要在块表中为每一块设置一个计数器(cnt0,cnt1,cnt2,cnt3,)。计数器的长度为2位。

10.A every Tuesday and Friday, I will collect to hope Hong Kong, the United States and Singapore's Courier to block form mailed.A每周二与周五,我都会收集要寄望香港,美国与新加坡的快递,以大宗的形式寄出。