

snort:[英 [snɔ:t] 美 [snɔ:rt] ]


过去式:snorted;   过去分词:snorted;   现在分词:snorting;   复数形式:snorts;

snort 基本解释

动词用鼻子哼(以表示不耐烦,轻蔑等); (马等)喷响鼻子; (轻蔑、愤怒时)高声大笑; 汽锅)喷汽

名词喷鼻息,鼻息声; 〈美俚〉一口酒

snort 相关例句


1. Sara snorted a laugh.



1. She began to show signs of impatience and snorted audibly.


2. The pigs grunted and snorted.



1. He gave a snort of disgust.


snort 网络解释

1. snort什么意思

1. (讽刺、轻蔑地)高声大笑:snicker 窃笑 | snort (讽刺、轻蔑地)高声大笑 | shriek with laughter 尖声狂笑

2. snort

2. 发哼声:Roar:咆哮,狮子般地吼叫. | Snort:发哼声 | Grunt:哼哼声,咕噜声.

3. 鼻吸:sniffing glue 嗅胶 | snort 鼻吸 | social interaction 社会干预


4. 你哼的一聲:snore 你发出阵阵如雷的打鼾声. | snort 你哼的一声. | snuggle 你把身子挨近墙壁.

snort 双语例句

1. snort在线翻译

1. The most commonly way used for network intrusion detection is to manually proceeds the router and analyze the firewalls log or use the software developed by Martin

目前最常用的网络入侵检测手段是手工进行路由器、防火墙日志分析以及使用由Martin Roesch开发的Snort软件。


2. It is very significant to research on the Snort system.


3. snort的解释

3. This paper puts forward a model of Snort intrusion detection system based on data mining technology.


4. On this basis, this paper has been designed and realized a Intrusion Detection System based on Snort.


5. In addition, the snort has the good ability to expand and transplant.


6. If only he didn't snort!


7. I'm not going to snort cocaine, okay?


8. snort在线翻译

8. L mean, because l don't have to snort.


9. I seem to remember that I tried to snort dismissively, but I was too cold to manage much more than a subdued grunt.


10. I assume to bethink that I approved to snort dismissively, but I was too algid to administer abundant added than a chastened grunt.


11. Solo Holy coke, repeating myself, except I'm getting slightly louder Pausing long enough to snort that white powder Wheels steering off but I'm still on track Bought a one way ticket to hell And back!

呜呼! 圣焦炭,重复自己,除非我得到稍微高涨暂停足够长的时间去嗤之以鼻那白色粉末车轮转向过,但我仍然在列车上买的是单程票通往地狱并且回来!

12. All of a sudden, he leapt abruptly to his feet, smoothed out the crumpled sheet of paper, and read it through once more; then, with a shake of the head and a snort, he tore it up and threw it into the spittoon


13. snort

13. Thirdly the paper demonstrates the configuration of Snort in detail, test the performance of Snort and indicate the problems at present.


14. Don't pick on officials, don't snort at their preachings. They have their problems too.


15. Besides sharing stories of family and friends that will have you laughing til you cry or at least snort in an unladylike manner; you'll read things about her that really give you a rare insight into her life and past.


16. snort什么意思

16. In a word, according to analyze the Snort structure, a new project of correspond to Snort is introduced. At last, it is proved that Snort can availably detect the attack of IPv6 through experiment testing and implement the function spread of Snort.


17. I felt the bursting cotton bolls and fingered their soft fiber and fuzzy seeds; I felt the low soughing of the wind through the cornstalks, the silky rustling of the long leaves, and the indignant snort of my pony, as we caught him in the pasture and put the bit in his mouth-ah me! how well I remember the spicy, clovery smell of his breath!


18. In this paper, the principle, the basic structure and the workflow of this system are analyzed. Aiming at the Snort system working in a single thread, a reform scheme based on the multithreading technique for developing its performance is put forward, including a queue between two function modules and a busy sign flag in every decoder and chain node. The workflow of the reformed system is described then.


19. When we began to get more comfortable with snort we began to write our own snort rules to alert on specific suspicious traffic that we were observing on our campus network.

等到更适应 snort 时,我们开始写自己的 snort 规则对所观察的校园网上特殊的可疑流量进行报警。

20. snort

20. Avoiding intravenous drug use (or only using clean needles and never sharing other equipment) will reduce the risk of hepatitis B and C. Some research indicates that hepatitis C may be spread via shared use of straws or items used to snort cocaine or other drugs.


snort 词典解释

1. (人或牲畜)喷鼻息;(人表示不赞成、可笑等)哼鼻子,嗤之以鼻

When people or animals snort, they breathe air noisily out through their noses. People sometimes snort in order to express disapproval or amusement.

e.g. Harrell snorted with laughter...


e.g. He snorted loudly and shook his head.


2. (表示轻蔑)哼着鼻子说

If someone snorts something, they say it in a way that shows contempt.

e.g. 'Reports,' he snorted. 'Anyone can write reports.'


3. 吸食(毒品)

To snort a drug such as cocaine means to breathe it in quickly through your nose.


e.g. He died of cardiac arrest after snorting cocaine.


snort 单语例句

1. Money is known to get contaminated with cocaine when drug dealers make a transaction or when users snort the drug using a rolled bill.

snort 英英释义



1. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt

Synonym: boohootBronx cheerhissraspberryrazzingrazzbird

2. a disrespectful laugh

Synonym: snickersnigger



1. make a snorting sound by exhaling hard

e.g. The critic snorted contemptuously

2. indicate contempt by breathing noisily and forcefully through the nose

e.g. she snorted her disapproval of the proposed bridegroom

3. inhale through the nose

Synonym: take a hit

4. inhale recreational drugs

e.g. The addict was snorting cocaine almost every day

the kids were huffing glue

Synonym: huff