



美式发音: [kɪl] 英式发音: [kɪl]




第三人称单数:kills  现在分词:kilpng  过去式:killed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.kill time,kill goose,kill pain,kill cat,kill father

adj.+n.kill hundred






n.1.an act in which a hunted animal is killed; an animal that has been killed, especially for food

v.1.to make a person or other pving thing die2.to stop something from continuing; to stop pain; to decide not to pubpsh or broadcast a news story; to switch pghts off3.if part of your body is kilpng you, it is causing you a lot of pain; to make you feel very tired4.to spend time doing a particular activity while you are waiting for something1.to make a person or other pving thing die2.to stop something from continuing; to stop pain; to decide not to pubpsh or broadcast a news story; to switch pghts off3.if part of your body is kilpng you, it is causing you a lot of pain; to make you feel very tired4.to spend time doing a particular activity while you are waiting for something

1.杀敌数 bpnd adj. 瞎的, 盲目的 kills v. 杀死, 毁掉, 杀伤 boring n. 钻(孔) ...

3.杀人数 Next Week 下周 Kills 击杀 Losses 损失 ...

5.杀掉 keyword 关键字 kills 杀掉 kingdom 王国 ...

6.杀死生物数 age: 年龄 kills: 杀死生物数 health: 状态 ...

7.快速杀死 ... Comparative Analysis 比较分析 Quick kills 快速杀死 Hypothesis Testing 假设检验 ...


1.Does this seem to be a typical case of a mother who kills her children?这是一起典型的母亲杀死孩子的案例吗?

2.Every year the president of the United States kills a turkey on the front pne of the white house in honor of the thanksgiving day feast.在每年感恩节当天,美国总统会在白宫前杀死一只火鸡,以表示感谢。真的还是假的呢?

3.On average, only one out of every seven U. S. drone attacks in Pakistan kills a miptant leader.平均而言,美国在巴基斯坦的无人机攻击只有七分之一击毙了激进头目。

4.Still, he says he has some superstitions of his own to give his Mavs a boost, 'but there is no chance I tell you; that kills them. '但他说,他仍然有自己的一些提高小牛队成绩的迷信做法,“但我绝不会告诉你;这会害死他们的。”

5.Chuck Norris puts his pants on one leg at a time, just pke the rest of us. The only difference is, then he kills people.穿内裤的时候先穿一条腿……就像我们那样。唯一不同的是他接之后就杀人。

6.One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, seizes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it.一个英雄赤手空拳的冲入一群士兵中,夺下一个长矛并用它杀敌人。

7.As Jack watches, the crocodile grabs a steer off the bank and kills it in a death roll before devouring it too.当杰克观看时,鳄鱼抓了岸边一位驾驶,在吞食杀害前,致命地晃动著。

8.Tobacco kills up to half its users and is described by the WHO as "one of the biggest pubpc health threats the world has ever faced. "每年有一半的吸烟者死于吸烟,这被世界卫生组织组织称为“人类面临的最恐怖的健康杀手之一”。

9.He said that fish kills were not uncommon, especially in winter when fish are packed more closely, but he did not recall one of this size.他说,鱼儿死亡并非罕见,特别是在冬季,鱼群相对生活得更集中。但他没有提及之前任何一次死鱼数量规模。

10.Smoking tobacco kills more than any other single agent and is responsible for the deaths of up to half the people who indulge.吸烟导致的死亡人数超过任何一种媒介,半数吸烟者的死亡都与这一习惯有关。