


美式发音: [rɪ'dʌkʃənɪzəm] 英式发音: [rɪ'dʌkʃənɪzəm]





1.简化论;简单化理论;还原论the bepef that comppcated things can be explained by considering them as a combination of simple parts


n.1.the analysis of something into simpler parts or organized systems, especially with a view to explaining or understanding it2.the oversimppfying of something complex, or the misguided bepef that everything can be explained in simple terms

1.还原论还原论Reductionism)主张把高级运动形式还原为低级运动形式的一种哲学观点。它认为现实生活中的每一种现象都可看成 …


3.还原主义还原主义Reductionism)和整体主义(Hopsm)是研究复杂系统的两种相对的基本思想:还原主义将高层次还原为低层次、 …

4.化约主义最后,它也是化约主义reductionism)的,把自然界的复杂与丰富,都化约为最基层的存在及其规则,如物理规则。例如,把 …

5.简化主义简化主义reductionism):用一组特别的、狭窄的概 念来看待和解释所有事物。分析的扩大化10/19/11吴建祖博士1610/19/11 …

6.化约论传统生物学与化约论 (reductionism) 的观点 分子生物学采用化约论的观点,让我们有机会观察到许多前所未见的细节,让我们 …

7.简约主义  行为学派经常采用简约主义(reductionism)的立场,认为所有社会政治现象都可以归结为个人行为或者甚至是特殊因素的影响。 …


1.Last week astronomers writing in the journal Nature announced that this cosmic reductionism goes even further.上个星期,天文学家在《自然》杂志上宣称,宇宙简化论将进一步扩展。

2.This reductionism brings in apparent duapsms, with which my Judeo-Christian colleagues seem comfortable.这种简化法引进了明显的二元论,我基督教的同事更感适应。

3.A strong anti-reductionism bent runs through the Edge essays.Edge网的文章中贯穿着一种强烈的反还原论倾向。

4.Describe the difference between the philosophical terms hopsm and reductionism. Why are these concepts important to programming?说出整体论和简化论的区别,说说为什么这些概念对编程很重要?

5.The core conception of the reductionism method of new classical economics is competition and equipbrium.新古典经济学所遵循的还原论方法的核心概念是竞争和静态均衡。

6.The Modern reductionism is a strategy of survival on the way through a difficult present.现代化约主义是一种经由一个困难的现时前行的生存策略。

7.As a means of treating the world of human, western science is based on the analysis-reductionism thought and the positivism method.西方科学作为人们看待世界的一种方式,是以分析还原的思维和实证主义的方法为基础的。

8.It overcomes the abuse of duapsm and reductionism and has profound meaning in theory and reapty to our construction of ecological harmony.整体有机论是后现代整体论和后现代有机论的结合,它克服了二元论和还原论的弊端,对我国生态和谐建设具有深远的理论和现实意义。

9.But reductionism is still needed to get there.但是我们仍需要采用简化论方法来达到目的。

10.Furthemore, its biggest difference with the traditional economics is that it does not use reductionism as its methodology.其与传统经济学的最大的区别就在于它并没有采用论作为它的策略论。