




1.钻戒 手镯- --------------bracelet a diamond ring 钻戒 a gold ring 金戒指 ...

2.珠光宝气 ... diamond n. 钻石 a diamond ring 一枚钻戒 diamond wedding 结婚60周年或75周年纪念,钻 …

4.钻石戒子 ... a wedding ring 结婚戒子 a diamond ring 钻石戒子 a gold ring 金戒子 ...

5.钻石与红宝石兔子戒指 A DIAMOND RING 钻石与红宝石兔子戒指 A CONCH PEARL AND DIAMOND NECKLACE 天然海螺珍珠与 …

6.彩钻配钻石戒指 ... got off 下车 a diamond ring 一枚钻石戒指 ...


1.I had nosooner got off the ship than I wasassailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring.我刚下船,就被一个人截住,他向我兜售一枚钻石戒指。

2.Lily's boyfriend gave her a diamond ring and asked her to marry him.莉莉的男朋友送她一个钻戒,请她嫁给他。

3.I had no sooner left from the boat than I was asked by a man to buy a diamond ring .我一下船就让一个人给缠住了,他向我兜售一枚钻戒。

4.The rich man bought a diamond ring. He gave the ring to his wife.那个富有的男人买了一枚钻石戒指。他把那枚戒指送给了他的妻子。

5.I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring.我刚刚下了船,一个想卖给我钻石戒指的人便向我发动了进攻。

6.The king's daughter gave him a diamond ring as a token of the gratitude she would always feel toward him.国王的女儿为了表示自己的永久的感激之情,送给他一枚钻石戒指。

7.Her husband gave her a diamond ring for her birthday.她生日时她丈夫给了她一个钻石戒指。

8.The rich father extended a diamond ring to his daughter on her birthday.女儿生日那天,那个有钱的爸爸给了她一枚钻戒。

9.Anne Hathaway accessorized her ivory fishtail gown with silver pumps, diamond earrings, diamond bracelet and a diamond ring.安妮•海瑟薇用银色高跟鞋、钻石项链、钻石手镯、钻石戒指,来搭配她的乳色鱼尾裙。

10.The man bought a diamond ring for his girlfriend and decided to pop the question tomorrow.那个男子为女朋友买了一个钻石戒指,决定明天去求婚。