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4.芝加哥论报其他报纸内容还包括金融时报(Financial Times)、洛杉矶时报(Los AngelesTimes)、芝加哥论报(Chicago Tribune)等。更多报纸 …

5.芝加哥讲坛报※芝加哥讲坛报Chicago Tribune)3包半爆米花故事不够强,但杰出歌舞让人目眩神迷。

6.芝加哥时报而有著古雅歌德式建筑的芝加哥时报Chicago Tribune)大楼,,也因为墙上「贴」了全世界各地采集来的「石块」,而成为 …


1."I went to take a bite out of it, and then I saw this lady looking at me, " she said, according to the Chicago Tribune newspaper.据《芝加哥论坛报》报道,她说:“我当时正要一口咬下去,突然看到这位夫人注视着我。”

2.He convinced a popular columnist at the Chicago Tribune to ask his readers to "send in a penny for Mike. "他说服了《芝加哥论坛报》的知名专栏作家,让他写文章请求读者「每人寄一分钱给麦可」。

3.Among other things, investigators say he tried to pressure a newspaper, the Chicago Tribune, to dismiss opinion writers who criticized him.其中,调查者说他试图给《芝加哥论坛报》施加压力,要开除批评他的舆论作家。

4.And now, in an interview with the Chicago Tribune, the Golden Arches Chief Operating Officer, Don Thompson, confirms my original assumption.而现在,在接受芝加哥论坛报采访时,麦当劳首席运营官DonThompson证实了我最初的假想。

5.As agent David Falk said in a September interview on " Chicago Tribune Live, " Jordan preferred to sign with Adidas.作为乔丹经纪人的大卫•法尔克在九月份《芝加哥论坛报》的采访中声称,“乔丹倾向与阿迪达斯签约。”

6."Los Angeles Times, " "Chicago Tribune" , "San Francisco Chronicle" and other newspapers also had huge losses due to lost and dying.《洛杉矶时报》、《芝加哥论坛报》、《旧金山纪事报》以及其它报纸亦都因赔损过巨而奄奄一息。

7.The magazine was founded in 1912 by Harriet Monroe, who was working as an art critic of the Chicago Tribune.该杂志创办于1912年由哈丽雅梦露,谁是工作作为艺术批评家的芝加哥论坛报。

8.The Chicago Tribune is shaking a rattle at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.芝加哥论坛报目前正把矛头指向了美国高速公路安全管理局。

9.We got some early press with the Chicago Tribune, that wrote in a small blog post.芝加哥论坛报最先报道了我们,是一篇小文章。

10.The Chicago Tribune offers a newsroom training program for aspiring minority journapsts who want to work as news reporter s.芝加哥论坛报提供培训项目,编辑部的新闻工作者有抱负的少数愿意当新闻记者。