




overwhelmed 基本解释


压倒;压垮;淹没( overwhelm的过去式和过去分词 );覆盖;


overwhelmed 网络解释

1. overwhelmed的意思

1. [淹没]:协助被情绪淹没(overwhelmed)与烦乱的幸存者平静地适应当前环境. 当透过翻译员(translator)或口译员(interpreter)与个案沟通时,应目视你的对象并面朝其说话,而非朝著翻译员或口译员说.

2. 受宠若惊,简直不能相信:handler 训狗师 | overwhelmed 受宠若惊,简直不能相信 | awesome 太棒了,太难以置信了

3. 疲倦:overwork 加班 | overwhelmed 疲倦 | work like a horse 辛勤工作

4. 忙:portfolio 文件包 | overwhelmed 忙 | shagged 疲倦

overwhelmed 双语例句

1. On television he looks apologetic and overwhelmed.


2. Interms of quality, we believe that our products can not be overwhelmed by those of other brands.


3. Look at traffic congestion, you will find, with the urban population moved north and west of the dumping, traffic congestion points are the north west direction, more and more people are bound to more and more cars, and Hangzhou, the road construction, especially construction of high-speed access has lagged behind the overall development of city level, working hours have been elevated in some areas impacted vehicles, once the line opened, more cars, two years later, one thing quickly Unicom, the North-South Elevated certainly overwhelmed now build a second North-South elevated.


4. In autumn, overwhelmed by nature`s selfless generosity toward humanity, I will find myself at a loss, looking upon the corn stalks robbed of their fruits and then beheaded; the crop stalks and weeds swaying in the wind disturb me profoundly, Nature, however. soon makes me realize that all of these are just a fact of life. The beauty that begs description turns out to be the ultimate truth. It has gradually come to me that the artistic portrayal is actually a manifestation of the artist`s inner world. In other words, the subject serves as a medium for the painter to create a spiritual realm, which is based on the unceasing exploration of nature a well as the boundless, passionate imagination on the part of the artist.


5. I am so fond of hugging my wife and child that they get overwhelmed with it.


6. The idea is that when a mosquito encounters the infra-red curtain, its senses are overwhelmed and it flies away.


7. Therefore, he sometimes ecstatic, sometimes Rusangkaobi, most of the time were helpless depressed, overwhelmed.


8. overwhelmed

8. The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.


9. The Tigers` last remnants were overwhelmed in the sliver of territory they still controlled, and their leaders, including the supremo, Velupillai Prabhakaran, were reported killed.

猛虎组织的残党撤退到了他们仍然控制的一片狭窄的区域,他们的领导人,包括最高头目Velupillai Prabhakaran在内已被击毙。

10. Thanks to you, I have been overwhelmed with responses.


11. Just browse through the daily newspaper and you will be overwhelmed by the number of credit card offers advertised.


12. Nanjing regime, the government overwhelmed by the challenges of rural areas more control over the underlying weak basic government functions in rural areas reflected only征粮, Zheng Fu, Zheng D, exacerbated tensions with the farmers.


13. And he led them on safely, so that they feared not: but the sea overwhelmed their enemies.

78:53 他领他们稳稳妥妥的,使他们不至害怕。海却淹没他们的仇敌。

14. overwhelmed

14. In addition, Binford says it's important that children in this age group have outlets aside from music so they aren't overwhelmed.



15. I have been so overwhelmed by the many storms that have broken over my head, that I am become passive in the hands of the almighty, like a sparrow in the talons of an eagle


16. Overwhelmed with the joy of the Lord... and thejoy of forgiveness.


17. It is better for me to die than to live, because I have heard insulting calumnies, and I am overwhelmed with grief.



18. Overwhelmed by yearning with a dim lonely lamp


19. I'd never been to the Amazon before and I was overwhelmed by it all.


20. I can not eat meat, and sometimes think about the fetus, on the thinking of some way to allow themselves to eat, such as changing the usual method of cooking it, do汤菜, the lean meat soup, put some more soy sauce, meat overwhelmed, drink soup, eat eggs, do not want to separate and dilute the playing红柿eat soup, mother-in-law returned to猪肚I bought, I also drink做汤is干干do not want to eat things.


overwhelmed 单语例句

1. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library that he was overwhelmed by the duties of his job.

2. Dr Mousa said that his hospital was overwhelmed by the large numbers of casualties.

3. Zhang says he and other newspaper colleagues at the interview were overwhelmed by the way Niu spoke.

4. Some married couples are overwhelmed by the crowds of " robbers " at their offices and are concerned that the lucky money tradition is turning sour.

5. Carter is not overwhelmed by issues of discord between the two countries, from regulating the value of the renminbi to US arms sales to Taiwan.

6. Boy band The Wanted also performed and admitted they felt overwhelmed by the occasion, which was held to raise money for armed forces charity Help for Heroes.

7. The show bosses are believed to have been overwhelmed by Anne's performance and excited by the chemistry between her and'Will and Grace'star Sean.

8. CHANGSHA - Six men were trapped underground after being overwhelmed by a coal gas leak in central China's Hunan Province Wednesday.

9. Battles since Saturday have cut the overwhelmed city off from food and water supplies, with rebels taking control of the port with its aid and commercial warehouses.

10. If one can get hold of a list of the names of the festivals, one would be overwhelmed with admiration for the great wisdom of our friends.