

documentary:[英 [ˌdɒkjuˈmentri] 美 [ˌdɑ:kjuˈmentri] ]



documentary 基本解释


形容词纪实的; 记录的; 文书的

documentary 网络解释

1. documentary

1. 记录片:还问了记录片(documentary)会受到欢迎吗?为什么?如果你是导演,要你拍一部电影,你要怎么做休闲活动在中国最流行的休闲活动是什么人们在周末通常都会干什么人们是否该加班工作teenager谁,他是个怎样的人,和他怎么认识的比如年轻人和老人的区别,

2. 记录:资源类型:RMVB 发行时间:2000年02月23日 语言:英语 简介: 片名:全球禁播的魔术大揭密全套4集 制片:亚当.弗雷德曼Adam Friedman 主演:戴维.布菜恩David Blaine 解说:泰勒.迪莱克Tyler Derek 頪型:记录(Documentary) 片长:120 分钟,

documentary 双语例句

1. documentary的翻译

1. Iˇm not sure whether it was Wang Xiaoshuai or Zhang Yuan who first had the idea of intercutting fictional and documentary material in Mama, but that was an important innovation too.


2. LIU Yaozu, the member of China Documentary Literature Research Association, the member of Art Committee of China Calligraphy Art Research Institute, the member of Chinese Tablet Calligraphy Art Research Association of China Cultural Art Development Promotion Committee, the member of Chinese Country Painters


3. When Eva was still in America, after watching a TV documentary she dreamed that one day she would be able to visit the Yao village in Guangxi Province.

伊娃在美国时,看到一个介绍广西瑶寨的片子,她梦想着有一天能去那里看看。2001 年,她来珠海任教,几个月后,她见到了美丽的瑶寨和那里淳朴的山民。

4. The Dead Will Walk - An all-new 75-minute documentary featuring interviews with cast and crew members Claudio Argento, Dario Argento, Pat Buba, Tony Buba, Zilla Clinton, David Crawford, David Early, David Emge, Ken Foree, Michael Gornick, John Harrison, Clayton Hill, Sharon Ceccatti-Hill, Jim Krut, Leonard Lies, Scott H.


5. documentary的解释

5. A USD100.00 fee will be deducted from each presentation of discrepant documents under this documentary credit this charge shall be for the account of the beneficiary +in accordance with the provisions of article 16C III B of UCP600, if we give notice of refusal of documents presented under this credit we shall however retain the right to accept a waiver of discrepancies from the applicant and, subject to such waiver being acceptable to us, to release documents against that waiver without reference to the presenter provided that no written instructions to the contrary have been received by us from the presenter before the release of the documents. any such release prior to receipt of contrary instructions shall not constitute a failure on our part to hold the documents at the presenter's risk and disposal, and we will have no liability to the presenter in respect of any such release.

登录后回答可以获得经验值奖励,并可以查看和管理所有的回答。登录|+ 1 USD100.00费将被扣除根据本信用证从每本收费不符单据应为受益人的帐户根据第16C条+与第三期UCP600 B的规定,如果我们发出通知的文件拒绝本信用证下提交但我们会保留权利,接受了来自申请人放弃和差异,但这种放弃被接受的我们反对,放弃要求释放文件没有提及主持人只要没有相反的书面指示,已收到来自各主办单位在我们面前的文件释放。任何这类释放之前,收到相反的指示,不得构成失败我们的一部分举行的主持人的风险和处置的文件,我们将在任何方面不释放这些演示责任简单说就是每个不符点是USD100,且从受益人账户支付。对方客户如果接受不符点(你们修改单据比客户接受不符点晩),对方银行有权直接放单给你客户让他们去提货。


6. This documentary, these two stars'appearances were put into, was each shot by 45 minute lengths and with Seoul for background all around it.

Seoul Vibes》以弘益大学、清潭洞和清溪川为背景,展现了动感的首尔,而《Seoul Savvy》以狎鸥亭、仁寺洞及三清洞一带为背景,展现了浪漫的首尔。


7. After shipment, the buyer shall duly make the payment against documentary sight draft drawn on the buyer together with the documents stipulated in Article 4 hereof made out to the buyer by the seller.


8. Pine achieved a mini-celebrity status of his own through his close contact with Yao; [134] he starred alongside Yao in the documentary The Year of the Yao as he lived with Yao, helped him adjust to American life, served as his driver, and eventually taught him how to drive.

潘 由于和姚明的密切接触变得小有名气;在纪录片《姚明年》中他与姚明一起主演,讲述着与姚明一起生活的日子;如何帮助姚明适应在美国的生活;充当司机;并在最后教会了姚明开车。

9. In international trade, the sales of goods is usually paid by documentary credit.


10. Premiered at 2006 Taiwan International Documentary Festival; selected for competition at 10th RAI International Festival of Ethnographic Film.


11. Perhaps its enumerated Vu Thi counts of great documentary value, in the final nail in the history of the Vu Thi contributed shame.


12. It including documentary evidence management, statistical inquiry, auxiliary project management, report form management, function and so on system maintenance.


13. Whilst this is only one element of your application, in the absence of documentary evidence.


14. documentary的翻译

14. The last part is the television documentary which uses the research method of filming anthropology to record, display and compare the social cultural life of Yugur. It is aimed to make the process, purpose and conclusion of this research more directviewing, scientific and reliable.


15. The documentary captures beautiful imagery of humanity and the terrible destruction war brings, incorporating musical montages and a soundtrack written during and after the experience performed by Michael Franti.


16. The book is divided into four sections: documentary analysis of Leavis`s practice as a teacher, drawing on seminar notes, lecture handouts, reading lists and other material; new bibliographical data, including a detailed account of Leavis`s project to turn Daniel Deronda into a new novel called `Gwendolen Harleth`; critical essays on Leavis`s thought; and memoirs of different phases in Leavis`s career, from the 1930s to the 1960s.


17. In a trailer for the forthcoming ITV documentary, A Year in the Life...

在英国ITV 电视台拍摄的记录片《生命中的一年。。。。。。

18. 4The general legal maxim de minimis non curat lex has no place in the field of documentary credits.


19. In the second session, Ms. Wang Ting-ting reported on the book An Inconvenient Truth, written by former United States Vice President Al Gore, who now devotes himself to examining the issues of global warming and teaching environmental protection. The book is the text version of a documentary with the same title. The book provides charts and pictures emphasizing the catastrophes that will result from climate changes and countermeasures to take.

第二场由王婷婷小姐报告《不愿面对的真相》,作者为美国前副总统Al Gore,目前致力於全球暖化议题的探讨与环保教育,本书为同名记录片的文字版本,书中佐以相关图表强调气候变迁将造成的灾难及人类的因应之道。

20. Base on the chief resource of, which is a costly 12-episode documentary series invested and produced by CCTV. and also took a lot of effort from both CCTV and NGC'S numerous serior producers, was finally released.


documentary 词典解释

1. (电视、广播等)纪实节目;纪录片

A documentary is a television or radio programme, or a film, which shows real events or provides information about a particular subject.

e.g. ...a TV documentary on homelessness.


2. (证据)有文件记录的,来源于文件的,书面的

Documentary evidence consists of things that are written down.

e.g. We have documentary evidence that they were planning military action.


documentary 单语例句documentary

1. A documentary about mongrel cats and dogs has been released to spotlight the animal meat industry and bring attention to pet prejudice.

2. China Central Television's documentary channel has presented awards to 200 documentaries by university students.

3. And the narrative style is a refreshing change for many of us fed up with the usual documentary fare.

4. Channel Four television channel is looking for volunteers for a documentary which will look into dead bodies during the process of decomposition.

5. Channel 4 television is looking for volunteers for a documentary which will look into dead bodies during the process of decomposition.

6. Dong Fang Documentary Channel's potential foray into Hong Kong would be the start of the channel's expansion strategy from the mainland.

7. The documentary discovered an interesting phenomenon - people change their childhood ideals and become very serious in their chosen career.

8. The judge ruled that during opening statements lawyers may not show the jury the entire " Living with Michael Jackson " documentary but may use a clip.

9. They did a documentary movie about him and he had a cochlear implant.

10. Village Voice columnist Michael Musto appears in a documentary about the history of gay Americans that will kick off Logo's programming on Thursday.

documentary 英英释义


1. a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

Synonym: docudramadocumentary filminfotainment


1. emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation

e.g. objective art

Synonym: objective

2. relating to or consisting of or derived from documents

Synonym: documental