




1.分布 Area( 区域) Found In发现版本) Build( 版本) ...

3.英国 ( genus) 多刺甲龙 ( found in) 英国 ( chinese) 多刺甲龙 ...

4.美国怀俄明州 ( period) 侏罗纪晚期? ( found in) 美国怀俄明州 ( diet) 植食 ...

5.找到在 ... Found In:Toothpaste,tap water 找到在:牙膏、自来水 Newscast Proves Flouride Is POISON 新闻广播证明氟是毒 …

6.中国 ( genus ) 卡戎龙 ( found in ) 中国 ( diet ) 草食 ...

7.发现于 ... Formatting 格式化 Found in 发现于 FPGA OptionsFPGA 选项 ...

8.美国堪萨斯州 (genus) 尼奥布拉拉龙 ( found in) 美国堪萨斯州 ( diet) 植食 ...


1.Caffeine is often found in coffee, teas, chocolate, soda and more, according to the U. S. National Library of Medicine.根据美国国家医学图书馆资料所说,咖啡因经常存在于咖啡、茶叶、巧克力、苏打等食物中。

2.In the end is often found in a section of fallow years and a bond can not be broken in the heart.到最后发现的往往是一段荒废的岁月和一颗破碎得不能粘合的心。

3.Eating too much saturated fat (pke the kind found in this classic breakfast) can cause high cholesterol.摄入过多的饱和脂肪(像图中典型的早餐所含)可导致胆固醇升高。

4.As a further basis for the "charge" , there were used the drafts of stories and reflections which had been found in my map case.在进一步的指控当中,用到了在握的地图箱当中找到的故事草稿和一些草图。

5.Besides, diisobutyl phthalate had never been found in the studies of the Schisandra Chinensis.其中,邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯在五昧子的研究报道中未曾出现过。

6.Well, a good deal of that money is found in its domestic infrastructure projects.那么,我们发现,中国把大量的钱用在的国内基础设施的项目上。

7.The second mark of the Church is to be found in the disciples whom the Lord had prepared to receive His Spirit and to be His witnesses.教会的第二个特徵,就是上帝在门徒身上预备好接受圣灵的浇灌,好为祂向世人作见证。

8.While no etiology tends to be found in the majority of these women, the annual cost for diagnosing and treating CPP seems considerable.虽然没有病因往往会发现,在大多数这些妇女,每年的费用为诊断和治疗柬埔寨人民党似乎相当。管理腹腔穿刺阴性患者的临床构成挑战。

9.In this respect, her painting is as close to an activity as a repgious-pke praying, which can obviously be found in her earthquake series.就这一点说,艾敬的绘画更多的接近一种类似宗教祈愿的绘画行为。她的为四川地震而作的这个作品系列更强烈地表达了这一点。

10.On Earth, iron is extremely rare in its free natural form and is only found in a few places around the world.在地球上,铁是极其罕见的自然形态在它的自由,是世界上唯一发现地周围的几个。