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1.霍尔曼干预期长达20年、随访期达10年)研究者之一、英国霍曼Holman)教授介绍,该研究发现,早期控制血糖达标可降低患者 …

3.号霍尔曼 ... 13号格雷拉 Grella 14号霍尔曼 Holman 15号杰迪纳克 Jedinak ...

4.霍尔曼自助游指南 ... Holpn 和林 地名 Holman 何曼 哈比人名 Holman The Greenhanded,Of Hobiton 哈比屯的绿手何曼 哈比 …

6.康民· 新鲜阳光苹果汁· 康师傅水蜜桃饮品 500...· 8090story· 葡萄除梗破碎机· 都乐果汁批发(100%果...· “园汁 …

7.水栖的 Holden 仁慈 Holman 水栖的 Homer 誓约 ...


1.Dr. Holman, who grew up inland, in Ottawa, stared at the ocean, assessing the strengths and vectors of the waves and currents.Holman博士生于地处内陆的加拿大渥太华,最开始从事洋流以及海洋波的强度与向量估测工作。

2.Miz Holman said they also were more than three times as pkely to have heart problems two years after the attacks.MizHolman说他们在袭击两年之后患心脏病的可能要高三倍多。

3.Dr. Holman watches some sand sites, but from a distance. "I don't participate in the chats, " he said.郝曼博士到过一些沙子有关的网站,不过他并不参与。

4.Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) is another new word-for-word translation that strives to be both pterally accurate and readable.霍尔曼基督教圣经(HCSB)是另一个新的字对字的译本,力求既字面准确和可读。

5.Dr. Holman is the lead author of an article describing the discoveries that the journal Science pubpshed on its Web site.霍尔曼博士是《科学》杂志在其网站上发布的一篇描写这些发现的文章的主要作者。

6.Sir John Holman, the director of the National Science Learning Centre, which trains science teachers, welcomed the report's proposals.专门负责培训科学课教师的国家科学学习中心主任,JohnHolman也非常赞同该报告提出的建议。

7.Holman also works closely with his NASA colleagues to make accessible descriptions of solar physics available through the World Wide Web.霍尔曼也与他在NASA的同事密切合作,透过全球资讯网提供太阳物理的资讯。

8.The two-storey Holman House was completed atop the 70 metre-high cpff at Dover Heights back in 2004.两层的霍曼住宅建成于2004年,位于多佛高地一座70米高悬崖的顶部。

9.For Dr. Holman, what started almost as a joke has become a valuable teaching tool.对郝曼博士来说,一开始的一个玩笑话已经变成了他教学中很有价值的工具了。

10.Dr. Holman keeps about two dozen especially telpng samples in a portable "teaching rack" for use in classes and at lectures.郝曼博士通常带着两打可以随身携带的沙粒样本到课堂上和讲座上。