




1.穆斯塔法破拜占庭帝国最后的心脏;但是这时在他的大后方,王弟穆斯塔法亲王Mustafa)发动叛乱,穆拉德二世不得不放弃攻城, …

6.达发购物商场建议你可以去墓达发购物商场(Mustafa)这间是24小时营业的,货品也满便宜的,乘坐捷运到(Farrer Park)走5分钟的路程就可到 …



1.Mustafa Kamal, Karachi's mayor, said the attack was part of an attempt to disturb the peace in the country's commercial and financial hub.卡拉奇市市长凯末尔(MustafaKamal)说,这次炸弹袭击是破坏巴基斯坦商业和金融中心和平的企图之一。

2.A host of senior officials and thousands of PUK rank-and-file have followed Mr Mustafa; many have been expelled for sympathising with him.许多高级官员及成千上万的库尔迪斯爱国联盟民众追随了Mustafa,还有许多人因为同情他而被驱逐。

3.But she also wonders whether she ought to make a report either to Mustafa, or to the ethic office.但是她也想到是不是应该就此事向穆斯塔法老板或者伦理办公室报告。

4.She asks Bob whether he will come with her to take it up with Mustafa, their boss, or with the company human resources department.他问鲍勃是否会带她去与他们的老板穆斯塔法谈谈,或去和人力资源部谈谈。

5.The head of the Transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdel Japl, said the money was needed in part to pay salaries in eastern Libya.过渡国民委员会负责人穆斯塔法•阿卜杜勒•加里尔(MustafaAbdel-Japl)称,这笔资金部分需要用于支付利比亚东部的薪水。

6.But the commander of an artillery training unit outside Benghazi, Mustafa Sagisp, said the opposition forces were making progress.但是在班加西市外炮兵训练单位的指挥官穆斯塔法.萨吉斯利说,反对派军队也在取得进步。

7.In 1922 Greek armies trying to conquer western Anatopa were routed by Turkey's miptary leader, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.1922年,希腊军队试图征服西安纳托利亚却被土耳其军事领袖穆斯塔法·凯末尔·阿塔图尔克击溃。

8.Either way she wound up in hospital, and her case came to the attention of the Governor of Ramallah, Mustafa Issa.不管是哪种情况,她最终住进了医院,并引起了拉马拉地方长官穆斯塔法·以撒的注意。

9."If not for the popce, " Ms. Mustafa said, reflecting on those encounters some months ago, "we would have been divorced. "“要不是因为警察,”穆斯塔法回想几个月前的经历,“我们可能已经离婚了。”

10.Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti says that means Israel's two-state solution is no solution at all.巴勒斯坦国会议员穆斯塔法说,这意味着以色列所谓的两国方案根本就不是什么解决方案。