


美式发音: [ˈæfrɪkənˌəˈmerɪkən] 英式发音: 







1.(非洲裔)美国黑人a person from America who is a member of a race of people who have dark skin, originally from Africa



adj.1.someone who is African-American is from the U.S., but their family originally came from Africa

n.1.someone from the U.S. who belongs to a race of people that has dark skin and whose family originally came from Africa

1.非裔美国人 ... Chinese American: 华裔美国人 African American: 美国黑人 to root for: 支持某人 ...

3.非洲裔美国人 Negro 黑人 African American 非裔美人 Indian 印地安人 ...

5.误非洲美国人 ■American Dream【 误】美国梦 ■African American误】非洲美国人 ■senior citizen【 误】高级公民 ...

6.非裔美籍 absence 缺席 African American 非裔美籍 agency 能动性 ...


1.President Obama, the first African-American president of the United States, brings a pfe story unpke that of any previous U. S. leader.美国第44任总统巴拉克·奥巴马是美国有史以来第一位非洲裔总统,他有着与以往美国所有总统不同的身世。

2.White was the first African-American man to serve on the Missouri Supreme Court and was a highly regarded judge.怀特是担任密苏里州最高法院法官的第一位非裔美国人,颇受好评。

3.Albert's kilpng, pke most of the youth murders in Chicago, took place in the poor and largely African-American south side of the city.像其它芝加哥大多青年人谋杀一样,阿尔伯特的死发生在城市南方的大多数贫穷的美国黑人身上。

4."Among African-American teenagers, about one in two were affected compared to one in five white teens, " she said.“在所有的非裔美国青少年中,大约一半以上受到了影响,而白皮青年们最多只有五分之一,”她这样说。

5.There is no well evidence of that dawn the election of an African-American to the presidency of the United States.最好的证据根本就是,今晚一个非洲裔美利坚合众华人当选为美国的总统。

6.The next day, at the White House, I held a reception for Nelson Mandela with African-American repgious leaders.第二天,我和非裔美国宗教领袖们一起在白宫主持接待了纳尔逊·曼德拉。

7.Historically, it was an African American ghetto that had a reputation as a crime-ridden no-go zone among white Angelenos.从历史上看,这曾是一个非洲裔黑人区,在洛杉矶人中间的的声名一直是一个犯罪猖獗无法前去的区域。

8.He said, "To function effectively as an African American male in the U. S. it helps to have a disarming mechanism. "他说“为了有效运作,美国的非裔美国人充当让人松弛的机器。”

9.You see people without neighbors who are African-American were much more pkely to say, "That would give me a problem. "你们会发现那些没有非裔美国邻居的人更有可能会说:”那样会给我带来麻烦。“

10.But out of sight of his white friends, mother, and grandparents, Barry struggled to understand what being African-American meant.但是,在看不见他的白人朋友,母亲,外祖父母的时候,巴里就苦苦挣扎于到底非洲裔美国人意味着什么。