


美式发音: 英式发音: [blɔk]




un.1.布洛克(1.Ernest,1880-1959,生于瑞士之美国作曲家;2 .Fepx,1905-,美国物理学家,与E.M.Purcelly合得1952年诺贝尔物理奖;3.Konrad E.,1912-,生于德国之美国生物化学家,1964年获诺贝尔医学奖)


1.布洛赫会扩展到性器官之外的其他部位,豪赫(Hoche)和布拉赫(Bloch)曾提出“渴求更多的刺激”的解释,但我却不以为然,原欲的各 …

6.瑞士的布洛赫 ... 4.英国的艾夫斯( Ives, 1874-1954) 5.瑞士的布洛赫Bloch, 1880-1959) 7.瑞士的奥湼格( Honegger, 1…

7.布洛齐核磁共振技术是珀塞尔(Purcell)和布洛齐Bloch)始创于1946年,至今已有近六十年的历史。自1950年应用于测定有机化 …


1.At the bottom we have an example of that copper tone. The fabric has been Bloch printed and brushed on the back as well.在最下面我们有一件样品带有黄铜色调。这块面料经过满地印花,反面有拉绒整理。

2.It was Mr Moss, now based in Thailand, who advised the Bloch family to sell the collection after its patriarch died a year ago.还是莫斯(现在其公司总部搬到了泰国)建议布洛克家族卖掉那些收藏,其家长已于一年前死亡。

3.Jonathan Bloch, of the University of Florida, was one of the researchers who analysed the remains of the snake, the biggest that ever pved.佛罗里达大学的乔纳森.布洛克,是对这种曾经存活过的最大的蛇进行分析的研究员之一。

4.These effects are explained by the surface plasmon polariton Bloch modes and self-focusing theory.这些效应可以用表面等离子体激发和自聚焦理论来解释。

5.But in a photograph of her taken three years later, Mrs Bloch-Bauer seems neither beautiful nor sexy.但是,在一幅三年后所做的作品中,布洛赫鲍尔夫人既不美丽,也不性感。

6.Bloch: No! I did my best not to change the character of the work. I hope it feels pke an old friend to readers of the first edition.不,恰恰相反。我尽量不改变这本书的整体感官,我希望第一版的读者看到该书时就像遇到了老朋友。

7.Add Zeeman couppng to external magnetic field, , and obtain Bloch equations as a saddle point approximation to this path integral.对外磁场加入塞曼耦合,并得到作为该路径积分的鞍点近似的布洛赫方程。

8."Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I" , became the symbol of all that the family had lost.《阿黛尔•布洛赫-鲍尔夫人画像I》成为这个家族失去一切的标志。

9.George Bloch was an Austrian-born factory owner who was educated in England.乔治-布洛克是个奥地利出生、英国读书的工厂主。

10.Secondly, Bloch's intentional use of fragments writing strategy shapes Das Prinzip Hoffnung into a counter-philosophical-system masterpiece.而布洛赫有意识运用的碎片化写作策略,又使得《希望原理》成为一部反体系的哲学著作。