




1.小梁网 tid┃three times a day 一日三次 TM┃trabecular meshwork 小梁网状组织,小梁网络 ...

4.小梁网络 tid┃three times a day 一日三次 TM┃trabecular meshwork 小梁网状组织,小梁网络 ...

5.小梁网组织异常基底膜弹性纤维蛋白;当其经由前房水循环系统通过小梁网组织(trabecular meshwork)时,可以影响其正常生理功能,甚 …

6.小梁组织网可以收缩瞳孔括约肌,绷紧虹膜,将最周边的虹膜拉离开小梁组织网trabecular meshwork)使隅角较为开放,前房液(aqueo…

7.小梁细胞外纤维基质咖啡因引起的血管壁平滑肌收缩而造成血管阻力增加,及小梁细胞外纤维基质trabecular meshwork) 的结构改变引起的房 …


1.The search led to the identification of mutations in a gene that encodes for a trabecular meshwork protein (TIGR).这项研究,鉴定出编码小梁网蛋白(TIGR)的突变基因。

2.Human trabecular meshwork from donor eyes was also ablated using pulsed 213-nm laser.捐献的人眼小梁网也用脉冲213纳米的激光进行切削。

3.The narrow of trabecular meshwork also was found.小梁网眼有不同程度的堵塞和变窄。

4.The cpnical study of cipary body exposure and trabecular meshwork support for the treatment of glaucoma睫状体暴露及小梁支撑术治疗青光眼的临床研究

5.Cultivation of bovine trabecular meshwork cells in vitro and morphological observation of their microtubules and microfilaments体外培养的牛眼小梁细胞及微管微丝的形态学观察

6.Characterization of cytoskeleton and cellular adhesions of cultured human trabecular meshwork cells人眼小梁细胞的体外培养与细胞骨架和细胞连接的研究

7.Trabecular meshwork induced glucocorticoid response protein, TIGR患者小梁网糖皮质激素诱导反应蛋白

8.Expression of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase in monkey trabecular meshwork cells and cipary muscle cells体外培养猴眼小梁细胞及睫状肌细胞中组织金属蛋白酶抑制剂的表达

9.Dexamethasone inhibits trabecular meshwork cell growth and epidermal growth factor mRNA expression in vitro地塞米松体外抑制人眼小梁细胞生长及表皮生长因子mRNA的表达

10.corticosteroids also increase the deposition of ecm in the trabecular meshwork leading to decreased outflow facipty类固醇也能够通过增加细胞外基质的沉积导致房水流畅系数的下降。