




1.我的日子 有事吗? » Something wrong? 我的天,你伤透了我的心 » My days,you have my heart B宝好有气质 » B Po good temperam…

3.我的日期 ... 生理周期表_ BioRhythms V1. 我的日期_ My Days _ Period 孕期宝宝_ Pregnancy Baby V ...

4.我的生活 ... 我的朋友 My Friends0 我的生活 My Days1 我的跑步 My Running1 ...

5.牛奶妹 山下智久☆万岁~! Celeste Journal 牛奶妹 My Days 幻想国王 yehjoe ...

6.一个人的日子 日光之下 Under the Sun 一个人的日子 My days 愚人节 April Fool's day ...

7.日常生活 ... ♧ Unit 5&6:Art 艺术 ♧ Unit 1&2:My Days 日常生活 ♧ Unit 3&4:Food 饮食 ...


1.It might not even be the best way for YOU to save your day, but without it, my days would be lost forever.它甚至不是能让你生活过得更合理的最好的方法,但是没有它,我将会永远迷失。

2.So I said: 'Do not take me away, O my God, in the midst of my days; your years go on through all generations.我说,我的神阿,不要使我中年去世。你的年数世世无穷。

3."Often during my days of house arrest it felt as though I were no longer a part of the real world, " she said.她说:“常常地,在被囚禁时,我觉得自己已经不再是现实世界的一部分了。”

4.And my days were as so many mouthfuls offered up to be gulped down into the yawning interior of the Normal School.我的日子从此就像一口口的饭,被吞咽进了师范学校豁开的大口里。

5.The child is the father of the man, and I could wish my days to be bound each to each by natural piety.儿童是成人的父亲;我可以企盼我一生一世、自始自终贯穿著对自然的崇敬。

6.I said, In the noontide of my days I shall go into the gates of Sheol: I am deprived of the residue of my years.我说:正在我中年(或作:晌午)之日必进入阴间的门;我馀剩的年岁不得享受。

7.the function of man is to pve, not to exist. i shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. i shall use my time.人的职责是生活,而不是存在。我不会浪费时间试图延长寿命。但,我会用尽生命中的每一秒。

8.On my days off, I try to not do anything poker related and get out of my apartment.我的日子过,我试着不要再做相关扑克走出我的公寓。

9.I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them.我决不要浪费光阴徒延生命。

10.Thank him for his (her), once we accompany Spend, Spend pfe without you and my days.感谢他(她),曾经陪伴着我们度过,度过生命中没有你和我的那段日子。