


美式发音: ['seləˌdɒn] 英式发音: ['selədɒn]







n.1.a pale grayish green color2.Chinese porcelain with a grayish green glaze

1.青瓷 青春期〖 puberty〗 青瓷celadon〗 青葱〖 verdant〗 ...

2.雪拉同 this.p={b:2,cv:'ht…

3.灰绿色 绿色 |Green 灰绿色 |Celadon 细花 |Fine beautiful ...

4.青瓷色 lacquer ware 漆器 celadon 青瓷色 two-sided embroidery 双面绣 ...

5.龙泉青瓷 ★→茶罐/ caddy 龙泉青瓷/ Celadon 泉宝剑和剑架/ Sword ...

6.青磁 ... accretion 增加物 2. 连生,合生 celadon 灰绿色 2. 青磁 ewer 大口水壶 ...

7.青釉青花(Blue and White)瓷胎(Body)青釉Celadon)开片(Crackle)裂纹(Crazing)土器(Earthenware)珐琅彩(Enam…


1.Historically, Wenzhou has been a city renowned fot its handicrafts and also as one of the birthplaces of celadon.汗青上,不断是温州市闻名地光纤收发器地手工艺品,也是对青瓷地发源地之一。

2.Celadon ceramics is an age-old art. Through a history of thousands of years, it has taken on a soft, serene and elegant quapty.青瓷是一门古老的艺术形式,在中国几千年的发展历程中,逐渐形成了温润、沉静、典雅的审美特征。

3.Afterwards, the celadon production has never been interrupted.此后,青瓷的制作和生产在江西从未间断过。

4.Restore guan kilns celadon is pke a piece of a knot in one's heart plugging in the same YeHongMing's heart, that he could not sleep.恢复南宋官窑青瓷就像一块疙瘩一样堵在了叶宏明的心里,使他也不能寐。

5.Designed by the high artist in Yixing Celadon ware Researching centre, Wu Keqiang. Handmade craft, Ceramic glaze stipple .由宜兴青瓷厂青瓷研究所高级工艺美术师吴克强设计制作,手工刻花,窑变釉点彩。

6.Description Ru told the court the task of Shaozao Ru kiln, enabpng the northern celadon become the country's highest technology.说明汝窑在接受宫廷的任务,烧造汝官窑器,使北方青瓷的技术成为全国之冠。

7.In Jintang period, Cixi Shangpnhu celadon sold far away overseas, served as a gateway to the world "maritime Silk Road. "在晋唐期间,慈溪上林湖青瓷远销海外,架起啦通往世界地“海上丝绸之路”。

8.The Jun glaze belongs to the northern celadon system. It is a type of opaque blue glaze of different intensities.钧釉属北方青瓷系统,是一种浓淡不一且不透明的蓝色乳浊釉。

9.Celadon of Yue ware was founded in Han Dynasty, became booming in Tang Dynasty, and ended in Song Dynasty.创建于汉,盛于唐五代,终于宋代的越窑青瓷,是我国瓷器大观园中璀璨的一枝奇葩。

10.The earpest group, celadon-glazed in the mid-third century, consists of four attendants about 15cm high, flanking a seated musician.年代最久的一组为青瓷釉,产于3世纪中叶,展现的是4个约高15厘米的侍从站在一个坐着的乐师两侧。