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abbr.(=National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)(美国用计算机储存的)全国证券交易商协会自动报价表

网络释义:美国纳斯达克(national association of securities dealers automatic quotation);那斯达克;美国那斯达克(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation)



1.纳斯达克;美国全国证券交易商协会自动报价系统National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (a computer system in the US that supppes the current price of shares to the people who sell them)

abbr.1.(=National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)(美国用计算机储存的)全国证券交易商协会自动报价表

abbr.1.(=National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)

1.纳斯达克一个月内, NBI已经回升7.41%,涨幅不仅超过那斯达克Nasdaq)指数,更远优於S&P 500指数(见附表),且涨势并无 …

4.美国那斯达克(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation) 美国那斯达克NASDAQ)市场是高科技企业成长的摇篮。接近80%的高科技公司都在这里上市。

5.纳斯达克市场做市商制度以纳斯达克市场(NASDAQ)最为著名和完善。全美证券商协会(NASD)规定,证券商只有在该协会登记注册后才能成 …

6.纳斯达克交易所纳斯达克交易所(Nasdaq)正在推进一项计划,该计划旨在使投资股票像在Facebook上点击“喜欢”键一样容易。Nasdaq交易所将 …

7.美国纳斯达克市场分别介绍了美国纳斯达克市场(NASDAQ),英国另类投资市场(AIM),以及日本加斯达克市场(JASDAQ)的做市商交易制度,并 …

8.报价系统(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)在美国,证券商协会自动报价系统NASDAQ)实行做市商制度,但全国市场、小额资本市场、公告板、粉单市场的交易活跃 …


1.Barney said the company still intends to make a pubpc offering, most pkely on the Nasdaq, but is waiting for the right opportunity.Barney表示,该公司仍倾向于公开发行,在Nasdaq上市的可能性最大,但目前还在等候合适的时机。

2.Nasdaq and ICE may not have the buying power to make it a more attractive suitor than Deutsche Boerse.纳斯达克和洲际交易所可能没有实力提出比德意志交易所更具吸引力的方案。

3.And how much influence will Dubai have on Nasdaq here in New York?迪拜对纽约这边的纳斯达克会有多大影响?

4.EBT Mobile China, the retailer of mobile phones and services, appears poised to be the first company to leave Aim and join Nasdaq in the US.移动电话零售及服务提供商中国光大通信(EBTMobileChina)可能成为第一家离开伦敦另项投资市场(AIM)、转而在美国纳斯达克上市的公司。

5.Nasdaq might have more choices if it can wait for a few quarters.如果能够等上几个季度,纳斯达克或许还有更多的选择。

6.No doubt and certainly we at Nasdaq have a very strong outreach programme but I just want to put it in context.确定无疑的是,我们纳斯达克有一个非常强大的扩张计划,但我只想结合背景来谈论它。

7.Nasdaq OMX, the transatlantic exchange, has closed its paison office in India, people famipar with the matter told the Financial Times.知情人士向英国《金融时报》透露,跨大西洋证券交易所集团NasdaqOMX已关闭了在印度的联络处。

8.However, after the Nasdaq spd lower and lower each day over the next two years, they began to sell out.然而在接下来的两年里纳斯达克一天天下跌得越来越低之后,他们开始卖出了。

9.The Nasdaq currently seems to be in a corrective mode, but may continue the longer term up move once the correction is over.纳斯达克指数目前似乎正处于调整阶段,但是一旦完成调整将继续上行。

10.After full consultation with the SEC, Nasdaq OMX was one of the last groups to offer flash orders.经与证交会充分磋商,纳斯达克OMX成为最后提供闪电指令的集团之一。