

wet season

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1.湿季 wet seal 液封 wet season 湿季 wet separator 水分分离器 ...

2.雨季 wet compaction 偏湿压实 wet season 雨季 wet sieving 湿筛 ...

3.丰水季 dry season, 枯水季 wet season丰水季 non-flood season, 非汛期 ...

4.丰水期 ... Western Salt Water Service Reservoir 西区海水配水库 wet season 丰水期 wet well 湿井 ...

5.潮湿季与其他拥有四个季节的地方不同,华欣拥有三个特色鲜明的季节,分别是乾旱季(Dry Season),热季(Hot Season)和潮湿

6.季节里不管是淡水鳄或咸水鳄, 在雨水泛滥的季节里 (Wet season), 能趁势进入到森林的河水深处. 到了乾季时 (冬季), 便停留在泥泞处 …

7.潮湿的月份由此一说法,那winter就字源上而言,就是表示潮湿的月份(wet season),但另外一种说法是,winter是与印欧语系中的wind一 …


1.As the city begins to heat up for summer, some foreign residents will celebrate the beginning of the wet season in other Asian countries.当这个城市因夏日来临而开始逐渐炎热的时候,一些外籍侨民将会在亚洲其它国家庆祝雨季的开始。

2.The rain was still falpng steadily, for it was just the beginning of the wet season.那时正是雨季的开始,雨还没有停。

3.Evaporation can be replaced for the core (browser), its pfe should not be less than 1000 hours (about the use of a wet season, time).对于可更换的蒸发芯(器),其使用寿命应不小于1000小时(大约为一个加湿季节的使用时间)。

4.There was more flow and sediment in the wet season in North Channel, the sediment movement was active.北港洪季多沙,具有水大沙多的特性,泥沙运动活跃。

5.The latest offensive by Myanmar's army began in June and is unusual not in its ferocity but in its timing, in the wet season.六月,缅甸政府军最近一次的进攻的特殊之处并不在于它的猛烈攻势,而在于它选择在雨季。

6."We've already tried this in [Indian state of] Andhra Pradesh during the wet season, " said Chartres.“我们已经在印度的安得拉邦的雨季测试了这种方法,”Chartres说。

7.Those hatching during the wet season emerge with brightly colored eyespots while their dry-season relatives wear neutral cryptic coats.那些在雨季孵化的(蝴蝶)会出现亮色的眼点,而它们在旱季孵化的亲戚们则拥有中性秘密的(中庸不显眼的?)外衣。

8.Account should also be taken of the difference between dry- and wet-season soil conditions.还要考虑到旱季,雨季土壤情况的不同。

9.Zambia had a proper wet season this year; three weeks before we came, there was news of 12 people having drowned in floods.赞比亚有一个适当的雨季,今年,三个星期前,我们来了,有12人因溺水身亡的消息在洪水。

10.The wet season began in the last days of September and continued all through October, November, and December.雨季从9月底的末几天开始,一直绵延到10月,11月,12月。