


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˈeidriən]





un.1.city in southeastern Michigan, southwest of Detroit.

1.艾德里安 Adam 亚 当 Adrian 艾 德 里 安 Aidan 艾 登 /艾 丹 ...

2.阿德里安 Ada 埃达,含义:高贵 Adrian 阿德里安,含义:黑色 Ailsa 艾尔萨,含义:快乐的姑娘 ...

3.亚德里恩 Adonis 亚度尼斯 Adrian 亚德里恩 Ahern 亚恒 ...

4.郑志刚 YOLANDA( 西班牙语)“紫罗兰“。 ADRIAN( 拉丁文)黑色的意思。人们将 ANGUS( 盖尔语)唯一 …

8.黄芷晴黄芷晴 (Adrian) 22 岁镁合金炮台 : Sony A77 / Nikon D300碉堡座 : Sony 77AM / Nikon MB-10多用途小距炮 : Sony 16-105 / Nik…


1.Q: Hey Vince my name is Adrian I saw you taking all sorts of shots and I just wanted to ask you what your favorite type of shot is?嘿文斯,我叫Adrian,我看到你做过各种各样的投篮,我想问哪一种是你最喜欢的呢?

2.Adrian : No way. Every time I run up to kick it you pull the ball away and I fall flat on my face.阿德里恩:不行,每次当我助跑要去踢它时,你却把球拿走,而我就往前跌倒。

3.Adrian McKinnon sent his wife to see her sister while he inspected the piles left behind.第凡尼麦金农派妻子到她妹妹家去。他查看那留下的一堆堆垃圾。

4.I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete.我疑心,假如我是亚瑟或艾德里安,我的名字就会被完整的印上去。

5.A few other suggestions would be Entourage star Adrian Grenier , but I would say that he lacks that rugged quapty that Garcia had.其他一些建议则是《明星伙伴》中的AdrianGrenier,但要我说的话他缺少了Garcia的粗犷。

6.Loaned out to Juve in exchange for Adrian Mutu this summer, he has often criticised Coach Didier Deschamps for leaving him on the bench.在本赛季作为穆图的交换来到尤文图斯以后,他经常批评主教练德尚把他留在板凳上。

7.Adrian is such a handsome guy that people often mistake him for a movie star.安卓非常英俊,大家都误以为他是电影明星。

8.Adrian Pang, Asia Pacific managing director for DoveBid, said auction volumes are roughly two-and-a-half times greater now than a year ago.DoveBid亚太区总裁阿德里安•彭(AdrianPang)表示,现在的拍卖量大约是一年前的2.5倍。

9.The McLarens also did not shine, and Heikki Kovalainen - perhaps with a gearbox problem - was faster only than Force India's Adrian Sutil.迈凯轮也没有服务,和科瓦莱宁-也许与变速箱的问题-是不是武力只能更快印度的阿德里安苏蒂尔。

10.Gilardino looks set to be one of their big swoops and could be the perfect strike partner for the propfic Adrian Mutu.吉拉迪诺看上去是他们最大的收购,也能成为进球机器穆图的最好搭档。