





5.萨克斯离合器配件 ZUELLIG PHARMA 永裕医药 SACHS 萨克斯动力总成有限公司 SUNEX 桑来斯光 …


1.Morgan's stock price has outperformed that of rival Goldman Sachs since the beginning of the year.摩根士丹利的股价表现自今年年初即超过对手高盛(GoldmanSachs)。

2.Meanwhile, shares of Citigroup were hit after Goldman Sachs analysts said credit losses at the bank had continued to grow rapidly.同时,在高盛的证券分析师称银行信用损失持续快速增长后,花旗集团的股份下跌。

3."I don't think the bounce back in auto production in and of itself is going to mean that much, " said Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius.高盛(GoldmanSachs)经济学家哈祖斯(JanHatzius)说,我认为,汽车生产的复苏本身并没有太大的意义。

4.Goldman Sachs continues to forecast that China will overtake the U. S. in terms of GDP in 2027, just as it recently overtook Japan.高盛(GoldmanSachs)进一步预测说,中国的GDP将在2027年超过美国,正如它最近超过了日本一样。

5.Flamand is setting up his own hedge fund and a Goldman Sachs executive in London said last month that the firm supports Flamand's plan.费拉蒙正在建立自己的对冲基金和高盛在伦敦的执行上月表示,该公司支持弗拉芒,星光大道的计划。

6.GOLDMAN SACHS: "If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you get out? "高盛集团:如果你被压缩到只有铅笔那么大,然后放进了搅拌机,你如何逃出来?

7.Certainly this makes it less pkely that the U. S. could fall back into a recession soon, at least according to Goldman Sachs (GS).这一变化肯定会使美国迅速陷入经济衰退的可能性降低,至少高盛投资公司(GoldmanSachs)是这么认为。

8.Goldman Sachs Group shares spd 7% as the Wall Street firm prepared to transition into a bank holding company from an investment bank.高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)股价跌7%,这家华尔街投行准备转型为银行控股公司。

9.The moves have made it particularly difficult for bulls pke Thomas Stolper, Goldman Sachs Group's currency strategist in London.这一走势让高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)驻伦敦外汇策略师斯托尔帕(ThomasStolper)这样的欧元多头尤其难受。

10.Technology stocks should be able to outperform banks stocks since the Goldman Sachs issues cannot be resolved in the near term.科技股应优于银行股,因为高盛的问题不能在短期内得到解决。