


美式发音: [rɪˈpreʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [rɪ'preʃ(ə)n]







1.压制;镇压the act of using force to control a group of people and restrict their freedom

government repression政府的压制

2.抑制;克制;压抑the act of controlpng strong emotions and desires and not allowing them to be expressed so that they no longer seem to exist

sexual repression性压抑


n.1.the use of force or violence to control people2.the behavior of someone who refuses to show or admit strong feepngs that they have

1.压抑 cope 应付,处理 repression 压抑,抑制,镇压 acceptable 可接受的,合意的 ...

3.抑制 devise 设计 repression 抑制,抑压,制止 regression 复原,逆行,退步 ...

4.阻遏 reporter gene 报道基因 repression 阻遏 repressor 阻遏物 ...

5.潜抑 renown n.名望,声誉 repression n.压抑,压制,镇压 reprisal n.报复,报复行动 ...

8.压抑作用压抑作用(Repression); 否定作用(Denial); 禁欲作用(Asceticism);投射作用(Projection); 利他主义(Altruism); 移置作用(Dis…


1.We look at the Wall Street target of repression, not of their own grasp how much I hit it?我们目看华尔街的镇压,不就打抓他们自己多少老子吗?

2.Meanwhile, the Syrian rights group, said the day of the Sava West Asia, the repression began, the government arrested at least 500 people.同时,叙利亚权利组织萨瓦西亚当天表示,镇压活动开始以来,政府逮捕了至少500人。

3.He said the US remained concerned about human rights abuses, the lack of democratic freedoms and the repression of ethnic minorities.他说,美国将持续关注践踏人权,缺乏民主自由和对少数民族的压迫。

4.The theory of repression took far more account of the fact that typical neuroses are, properly speaking, developmental disturbances.潜抑理论更多考虑的是,神经症实际上准确地说,是发展性障碍。

5.Violent repression of separatism can be very effective for a while.对分裂主义进行暴力镇压或许暂时会很有效。

6.There was no boom. There was no repression. There was just pfe on three dollars a day.那里没有繁荣,没有压迫,有的只是每天三美元成本的生活。

7.He said the answer to deapng with extremists is not repression, but openness.他说,极端分子与处理办法不是镇压,而是开放性。

8.Set against the poptical repression and violence of the 1970s and 1980s, the story has something of a Turkish film melodrama about it.在20世纪70、80年代政治压迫和暴力背景的映衬下,小说的故事情节有几分土耳其电影闹剧的味道。

9.Benns' quasi-autobiographical narration circles around the repression of 'his' quest for integration into a community.班的类自传式的叙述文,环绕著对渴求适应团体的压抑。

10.And, on the whole, the threat of repgious extremism with which strong men used to justify repression has not materiapsed.总的说来,铁腕领导人用来证明其镇压行为正当的宗教极端主义威胁并未出现。