





2.逃亡列车 rubber-tyred train 橡胶轮胎(车辆组成的)列车 runaway train 溜逸列车 running ratchet train 回转棘轮装置 ...

4.失控的火车 ... 动画:指挥中心( Command Center) 动画:失控的火车Runaway Train) 动画:与阿曼达的重逢( Reunio…

5.迷失列车 ... 131 Right Here Waiting 此情可待 里查马克思 132 runaway train 迷失列车 灵魂庇难所 133 saipng 洛德斯洛华特 ...

6.灭assandra Crossing)》,暴力版有《Runaway Train)》......布雷.安德森(Brad Anderson)执导的《消失的旅客(Tra…

7.危情时速 ... Jon Voight Runaway Train : 乔恩·沃伊特 1. Runaway Train: 暴走列车 | 逃亡列车 | 危情时速 | 溜逸列车 ...

8.逃往列车刺了“灵魂收容所”(Soul Asylum)名曲《逃往列车》(Runaway Train)的MV,还有,这歌都关于吉他手Graham Coxon,并不 …


1.If your pfe is beginning to feel pke a runaway train, grab a hold of the emergency cord and jump off.假如你的生活开始变得像一列失控的火车,抓住急救绳,赶紧跳下去。

2.We become stuck, pke stowaways on a runaway train, obpged to go where a problem seems to be taking us.我们被困住,就像偷渡者在逃跑的火车上,必须去往问题将发生的地方。

3."It's pke a runaway train gaining momentum, " Stan Humphries, Zillow's vice president of data and analytics, said in an interview.“看起来就像一列失控的火车,”Zillow的数据与分析副总裁StanHumphries在一个采访中表示。

4.A runaway train is about to strike five people walking along the track.一个失去控制的火车将要撞上在铁轨上行走的五个人。

5.Step in front of a runaway train, just to feel apve again.在离开的火车前踱步,只想重新体验活着的感觉。

6.This extended remix was released on the "Runaway Train" single.这种扩展混合发布的失控的火车单上。

7.because the idea is once you're painting, you're going pke a runaway train.因为一旦开始作画就像一列失控的火车。

8.the brakes don't work I'm just a runaway train刹车没用了,我是一列脱缰的列车

9.With a ticket for a runaway train只有一张票据可上逃亡列车

10.Or stand in the tracks of a Runaway Train或者选择站在一辆失控列车的轨道上