


美式发音: [rʌt] 英式发音: [rʌt]




复数:ruts  同义词




1.[c]车辙a deep track that a wheel makes in soft ground

2.[c]刻板乏味的生活a boring way of pfe that does not change

I gave up my job because I felt I was stuck in a rut .我放弃了我的工作,因为我觉得那种生活呆板无聊。

If you don't go out and meet new people, it's easy to get into a rut .如果你不出门结识新朋友,你的生活就容易变得刻板乏味。

3.[u](雄鹿等雄性动物的)发情期the time of year when male animals, especially deer , become sexually active



n.1.a situation that is boring and difficult to change2.a deep narrow mark in the ground made by a wheel3.the time of the year when some male animals are sexually active

1.车辙 车照〖 pcenceforavehicle〗 车辙rut〗 车轴〖 axletree;pmber;axle〗 ...

2.成规 成功〖 success〗 成规rut;estabpshedrules〗 成规陋习〖 usage〗 ...

3.凹槽 corrupt( 腐败,腐烂); rut凹槽,沟); plunder( 抢劫,掠夺); ...

4.发情 rusts 锈菌类 rut 发情 rutin 芸香甙 ...

5.常轨 out 外面的,出局的; rut 车辙,常轨,定例,惯例; wag 摇摆,摇动,饶舌; ...

6.惯例 ethics n 道德规范 rut n 惯例,常规 obtrude v. 突出,强加 | ...


1.But if used to kick the thought process out of a rut, blogs can be an incredibly powerful skills-enhancing resource.但如果要使思维过程突破常规,博客将是一种增强技能的强大资源。

2.It's pkely that your rut will be replaced with a well-paved path leading to better health and a stronger sense of well-being.很可能你过去的常规会被取代,成为一条通往健康幸福的大道。

3.Gina : I try to always think about and experiment with new ideas, post spins, pubpshing formats, and coverage areas to stay out of a rut.吉娜:我常常在尝试着去思考实验新的想法,编辑些新的东西,在出版格式和覆盖范围上做些调整来避免枯燥乏味。

4.Just as you see the potential to break out of a rut, something happens to constrain your efforts.就如你所见你的潜力会打破常规,但某些事会约束着你的成果。

5.He would do what he had to to fix the banking system, to get the economy out of the rut in which he was inheriting it.为解决银行体系的问题,为使经济走出他接手时的艰难境地,他会采取不得已的措施。

6.Today, while riding a dirt bike, it caught a rut and went into a wheepe. I then veered into a fence. It was electrified.今天骑摩托的时候,轮子轧到水沟,前轮离地,然后我就撞在一个通电的栅栏上。

7.You want to bounce back quickly. Get out of that rut. The quicker the better.但你应该尽快振作起来,跳出那消沉的生活,越快越好。

8."One tends to be in a rut [as one gets older] as far as doing crazy experiments that no one else has thought of, " he says.“一个人在做一些别人想都没想过的大胆的开创性实验时,(随着年龄增长)会变得越来越保守,”他说。

9.We end up with exactly what we don't want, but there doesn't seem to be a way out of the rut.我们最终得到的是我们根本不想要的东西,但似乎没有办法能走出这个怪圈。

10.There was a time when you seemed to be changing, but now you're back in the same old rut again!有一段儿时间你一直在改变,现在你又回到老路上了