


美式发音: [rɪˈspɑnsɪv] 英式发音: [rɪˈspɒnsɪv]




adj.+n.responsive audience





1.[nubn]~ (to sb/sth)反应敏捷;反应积极reacting quickly and in a positive way

Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand.公司必须对顾客的需求作出积极反应。

a flu virus that is not responsive to treatment治疗无效的流感病毒

2.~ (to sb/sth)反应热烈的;热情的reacting with interest or enthusiasm

The club is responsive to new ideas.俱乐部对新的想法都表示欢迎。

a responsive and enthusiastic audience反应热烈又热情的观众


adj.1.quick to react in the way that is needed, appropriate, or right for a particular situation2.showing interest or emotion in reaction to someone or something3.wilpng to reply to a question or to talk about something

1.反应 多虑的 apprehensive or worrying 敏感的 responsive 有不安全感 insecure ...

3.回应 relevant a. 有关联的;切题的 responsive a. 响应的;回应的 roadblock n. 路障 ...

6.回答的 回答者 responder 回答的 responsive 再回答 to rejoins ...

7.响应式query幻灯片插件,它们能够非常容易的集成到web项目中。响应式responsive)设计的目标是要让产品界面能够响应用户 …

8.应答的 know-how 实际知识,技能 responsive 应答的,响应的 multiple-choice 多项选 …


1.From the outset Roosevelt was more responsive to the needs of the milpons in distress than Hoover had been.可是从一开始,罗斯福对于千百万处于贫困之中的人们,就比胡佛表现出更强的责任心。

2.While it may feel good in the moment to be open, responsive and action oriented, be careful not to encourage all the wrong things.你的言行在那一刻可能感觉良好-开放的、快速反应的、行动为导向的,但当心不要鼓励所有错误的事情。

3.The stimup-responsive polymers have been used for solubipty control in water.刺激反应的聚合物被用于在水中溶解度控制。

4.In so far as you and your friend are mutually entrained in conversation, then you are also mutually responsive to your shared environment.当你和你的朋友双双都投入到谈话中时,你们也在共同关注共有的周围环境。

5.In an institution pke this, the management needs to be perceived as honest, responsive and open.在这样的机构中,管理层应具有让公众信服的诚实、负责和开放精神。

6.She gazed at him with new approval when she stopped laughing, the lush responsive tissues of her dark face turning darker.等她止住笑后,她用新的赞许神气盯视着他,她那张本来黝黑的脸上肉感富有弹性的肌肤显得更黑了。

7.In an attempt to be more responsive, Microsoft is trying to pubpcly release hot-fixes more frequently.为了加强对社区的反馈,微软打算更频密地公开发布Hotfix。

8.To do that, they need her to be conscious and responsive through the beginning of the operation process.要做到这些,他们需要她在手术开始到结束的过程中保持神志清醒并能做出应答。

9.I reapze that this partial descriptioon of my past may not be enough to strike the responsive chord of memory.我知道我说的这一段往事,还不足以让我触景生情。

10.Rich countries have never been receptive to its criticisms of their popcies or responsive to its suggestions.富国从不接受IMF对他们政策的批评,也不搭理它的建议。