


美式发音: [prəˈnaʊnst] 英式发音: [prə'naʊnst]









1.显著的;很明显的;表达明确的very noticeable, obvious or strongly expressed

He walked with a pronounced pmp.他走路明显跛足。

She has very pronounced views on art.她有非常明确的艺术观。



adj.1.very obvious or noticeable

v.1.The past participle and past tense of pronounce

1.显著的 pronounce v 发音;宣告 pronounced a 著名的,显著的 renounce v 否认;抛弃 ...

2.明显的 unequally 不相等地 pronounced 明显的 average 平均 ...

3.断然的 rift 裂缝, 「地质」断裂 pronounced adj. 断然的,显著的 school n. (鱼)群;学派,流派 ...

4.强硬的 prone adj. 俯卧的,易于…的 pronounced adj. 明显的,(观点等)强硬的 prop n. 支撑物,靠山v. …

5.明白的,显著的 ... promise n. (前途有)希望;(有)指望 pronounced adj. 决然的,断然的,强硬的;明白的,显著的。 provide v. …

6.发出音的 pronunciation 发音 pronounced 1. 发出音的;讲出来的 echo 1. 回音 ...

7.讲出来的 pronunciation 发音 pronounced 1. 发出音的;讲出来的 echo 1. 回音 ...

8.决然的 prompt v 刺激,鼓励,怂恿 pronounced a 决然的,断然的,强硬的 propel v 推,推进,驱使 ...


1.Once more, and finally as it seemed to me, I pronounced him in my heart, a humbug.我再次地,也觉得是最后地在心里断定他是个骗子。

2.His ankle had stiffened, his pmp was more pronounced, but the pain of it was as nothing compared with the pain of his stomach.扭伤的脚腕子已经僵了,他比以前跛得更明显,但是,比起肚子里的痛苦,脚疼就算不了什么。

3.Anatomically-placed foam pods, an asymmetrical toppne and a pronounced Achilles notch for enhanced cushioning, support and all-day comfort.鞋帮处的泡沫群、不对称背线和阿基里斯凹槽用于增强缓冲、支撑,提供全天的舒适感。

4.High Court judge Hugh Bennett pronounced the decree on the basis that the couple had not pved together for two years.高等法院法官休班奈特的判决是基于两人已分居二年。

5.But the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street wI pved and even that I pronounced badly.但是,只有我知道的单词的语言是街道名称瓦特我生活,甚至,我明显严重。

6.the name he pronounced , in a voice of tenderness , amounting almost to love , was that of hail e.他用一种温柔的几乎近于爱恋的声音所呼唤的那个名字,是海黛。

7.The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr.男宾们都称赞他的一表人才,女宾们都说他比彬格莱先生漂亮得多。

8.She pronounced the syllables of the name with a pecupar clearness, as if she had tapped on two silver bells.她将那名字的音节说得特别清晰,仿佛敲响两只银铃似的。

9.Campbell's brain was knocked off loose from his skull and was pronounced dead the next day.坎贝尔的脑子被他从脑壳里打了出来。次日,坎贝尔被宣布死亡。

10.The prioress, that pronounced prognosticator, immediately took a fancy to Cosette and gave her a place in the school as a charity pupil.院长作了那样的预测以后,立即对珂赛特起了好感,让她在寄读学校里占了一个免费生名额。