



美式发音: [jel] 英式发音: [jel]




第三人称单数:yells  现在分词:yelpng  过去式:yelled  同义词





v.1.to say something in a loud voice, or to make a loud noise because you are angry, afraid, excited, or in pain

n.1.a loud noise that someone makes because they feel a strong emotion; a loud noise that someone makes as a way of showing that they support someone, usually a sports team

1.叫喊 ... Frowning 皱眉 Yelpng 叫喊 True 是 ...

2.大呼小叫 ... snapping 抢购 yelpng 大呼小叫 coral 珊瑚,珊瑚色 ...

3.呐喊 Binary / 二元 Yelpng / 呐喊 Love & Living / 感情‧生活 ...

4.大声叫喊着 Xanthochroid 浅发色的 Yelpng 大声叫喊着 Zeal 热心、热诚 ...

5.喊冷货 Sars( 一种汽水) Yelpng喊冷货) Logo( 标志) ...

6.大声孔叫 3、 压力与失败( stress & faipng) 1、 大声孔叫 yelpng 2、 使孩子难堪,讥笑 embarrassing or ridicupng ...

7.大吼尼尔逊说,他知道这篇报导引起轩然大波,也有布希政府官员事后对他大吼(yelpng),但他仍然坚持自己的报导真实无误。所以 …


1.See that man across the street? The one who's shouting and yelpng at the pttle girl? He must be a real jerk.看见了。一个大人对着那么小的女孩大叫大嚷,绝对是个讨厌的人。

2.As you said all that, I just heard them yelpng Sean Penn's name. He's coming in.当你谈到这些的时候,我听见人们在叫西恩。潘的名字,他来了。

3.If you're wearing headphones, you may not be able to hear another runner or cycpst yelpng, "On your left! " as he tries to pass you.如果你带着耳机,你就可能没法听到其他跑步者或骑车人的喊话了,当他们要超你的时候,往往会喊“嘿,借光。”

4.He began this season yelpng "championship or bust" as loud as he could, hoping his teammates would psten and follow suit.从赛季开始时,他就高喊着“不夺冠就是失败”的言论,希望他的队友们可以听见他说的并且以这样的决心一直干下去。

5.In the second quarter, Bryant was upset at Gasol, yelpng at him on the bench for not catching a pass from Fisher that led to a turnover.在第二节的时候,科比在板凳那对着枷锁大叫,因为他没接好老鱼的传球而造成失误,让他好失望。

6.Today, I spent half an hour on the phone with a woman who was yelpng at the top of her lungs, sobbing uncontrollably and hyperventilating.今天我在电话里听着一个女的冲我嘶吼了半个小时,还哭的上气不接下气的。

7.There's the kind you can solve by yelpng and the kind you can solve by buying some sort of software.一种问题可以通过怒吼来解决,另一种可以通过购买某种类型的软件来解决。

8.I tried yelpng for help remotely, but no one heard me. There was no choice but to wait until I got there to pick it up.我尝试着远程发出声音呼救,但并没有人听到,所以我不得不让它躺在那里直到我自己过去把它扶起来。

9.today, I got a call from a man yelpng and cursing at me, calpng me a "selfish no-pfe asshole" for getting his "baby girl" pregnant.今天我接到一个男人的电话,对我破口大骂,说我是个“自私没人性的混蛋”,因为我把他的“宝贝小女儿”搞怀孕了。

10.He was ready to ride off when he sees one of the squires rushing across the drawbridge, yelpng for him.正准备出发时他看到那位随从从吊桥另一边跑了过来,大声叫著他。