




1.捆绑 avi=bird 鸟 band,bond=to bind 捆绑 bar=bar 横木 ...

2.束缚 aug=to increase 增加 ● band,bond,bind,bound=to bind 捆绑,束缚 ● bar=bar 横 …

3.绑住 ... 绑紮 to bind;to wrap up;binding 绑住 to bind;to fasten 绑走 to abduct;to kidnap ...

4.约束 绑 fasten;bind or fasten together;to kidnap;to tie;bind;tie 绑扎 to bind;binding 被绑 kidnap victim;kidnapped ...

6.粘结 ... 粘胶液 viscose 粘结 to bind;to cohere 粘帖板 pasteboard ...

7.牵绊 ... 欧洲甜樱桃绕实蝇 rhagoletis indifferens 牵绊 to yoke;to impede;to bind 牵缠 to involve;to entangle sb ...


1.Their problem was to bind the black powder together again so it would be hard enough to serve as a writing instrument.它们的难题是如何重新组合这些黑色的粉末,使它成为有足够硬度的书写工具。

2.The captain of the company, tucking his sword under his arm, produced a handkerchief and began to bind with it the peutenant's wound.公司的船长,挤进他的剑下他的臂,生产一个手帕,开始用它包扎陆军中尉的伤口。

3.He said that he was bound for ever by his word, but he did not want to bind Natasha and would leave her perfect freedom.他说他永远要用诺言来约束自己,但是他不愿意束缚娜塔莎,给予她以充分自由。

4.However, getting one carbon atom to bind to another is often not an easy task.然而让碳原子一个一个结合通常不是件容易的事。

5.the U. S. might eventually prefer to see APEC become a mechanism to bind Pacific Rim nations into a NAFTA-style trade family.但美国最后是希望亚太经合组织成为一个将太平洋边缘国家团结在一起的机制,有如北美自由贸易区一般的大家庭。

6.Control supports a three-tier architecture by providing a way for you to bind data controls on the page to a middle-tier business object.控件通过提供一种将相关页上的数据控件绑定到中间层业务对象的方法,为三层结构提供支持。

7.Endlessly he sought to break my will, to force me to serve him, to bind me to his blade.一直试图摧毁我的意志,强迫我服从于他,用他的剑禁锢着我。

8." They said, " We have come up to bind Samson, to do to him as he did to us.他们说:「我们上来是要捆绑参孙;他向我们怎样行,我们也要向他怎样行。」

9.When a default is created, use sp_bindefault to bind it to a column or to an apas data type.创建默认值时,请使用sp_bindefault将其绑定到列或别名数据类型。

10.We also ask You to bind him for Your move on the earth.我们也求你,为著你在地上的行动捆绑他。