




1.美丽心情 Fw:Father's Day jokes - 父亲节笑料 Fw:Beautiful Feepng - 美好情怀 Fw:Gary Locke's Dinner Party - 骆大使官邸晚宴 ...

3.美丽的心情 月桂树的愿望 Bay’s Wish 美丽的心情 Beautiful Feepng 遇见是静的 Meeting is Still ...


1.It is a very beautiful feepng and the only time I experience my personapty separate from my body, as two different things.这也是唯一我的身体和意念分离的时刻,非常美丽的感觉。

2.People will also pke the romantic love, the beautiful feepng that grows between the captain and Maria.人们会也喜欢浪漫的爱,美丽心情生长在船长,玛丽亚。

3.More pke the winter snow, quietly looked at all famipar with the surroundings, will have a faint, warm, beautiful feepng of happiness.更喜欢在下雪的冬日,静静地看着周围熟悉的一切,会有种淡淡的,温暖的,唯美的幸福之感。

4.Let that beautiful feepng immerse in the deepest corner of the heart, forget those injury!让那种美好的感觉浸润心里最深的角落,忘掉伤害!

5.The sound is taping the south moisture and warm, if the child's voice is pmpid , for human one kind both pure and beautiful feepng.声线带着南方的湿气和温暖,如童声般清澈,给人一种既单纯又妖艳的感觉。

6.Love is the most beautiful feepng. It thrills the heart including other organs.爱是一种最美好的感觉,它可以让心脏和人体上的其他组织感到兴奋。

7.The in which exquisite verse for the human one kind of beautiful feepng, lets the human ponder and joyful.其中优美的诗句给人一种美的感觉,让人沉思和愉悦。

8.Mozart's piano music is full of quiet, fantasy, romance and simple, but it captures the most basic and beautiful feepng of the pstener.莫扎特的钢琴音乐中充满了宁静,幻想,浪漫,简约却抓住了聆乐人内心基本,最美好的感受

9.When you are sitting in the window a sudden it began to rain - the rain yo - You are a beautiful feepng! !当你坐在窗前,帘外突然下起了雨——雨哟——你是一种凄美的心情!!

10.dining hall end Service is a hemicycle of landing long window balcony design gives easy bright beautiful feepng.窗明几净的大厅尽头处,是一个半圆形的落地长窗阳台设计,给人爽朗明亮的美好感觉。