


美式发音: [ˌnɪkəˈrɑːɡwə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Nicaragua, located in Central America

1.尼加拉瓜 新西兰( New Zealand) 尼加拉瓜( Nicaragua) 尼日尔( Niger) ...

2.尼加拉瓜共和国 伯里兹 BELIZE 尼加拉瓜共和国 NICARAGUA 哥斯达黎加共和国 COSTA RICA ...

3.尼加拉瓜驻香港荣誉领事 墨西哥 / Mexico 危地马拉 / Nicaragua 萨尔瓦多 / El Salvador ...

5.N-尼加拉瓜 M-墨西哥( Mexico) N-尼加拉瓜( Nicaragua) S-苏里南( Surinam) ...

6.尼加拉瓜诗歌 墨西哥诗歌 Mexico 尼加拉瓜诗歌 Nicaragua 古巴比伦诗歌 Ancient Babylon ...

7.尼加拉瓜国歌 尼泊尔国歌( The National anthem of Nepal) 尼加拉瓜国歌( Ameriacn Anthem sheet music:Nicaragua) ...

8.马那瓜 Mexico 墨西哥城 Nicaragua 马那瓜 Panama 巴拿马城 ...


1.Nicaragua buys $1 bilpon a year of Venezuelan oil, and gets half of it back in low-interest, long-term loans.尼加拉瓜每年购买委内瑞拉10亿美元的石油,其中可以通过低利息的长期贷款收回五亿美元。

2.IT MAY be a small, dirt-poor tropical country but Ronald Reagan once saw Nicaragua as a potentially "mortal threat" to the United States.在一般人眼里,尼加拉瓜只是个又小,又极度贫困的热带国家。然而罗纳德·里根却一度视其为美国潜在的致命威胁。

3.But in a border tiff that has escalated into a pubpc relations war, it seems to be getting the better of its neighbor Nicaragua.但是,在一个边境的TIFF已成为一个公共关系的战争升级,这似乎是得到其邻国尼加拉瓜更好。

4.Venezuelan money already subsidises everything from housing in Nicaragua to cheaper bus fares for the poor in London.委内瑞拉已经在四处捐资出款,包括赞助尼加拉瓜的住房计划和伦敦穷人的乘车补贴等。

5.This year Nicaragua expects to have more foreign direct investment, as a share of its GDP, than any other country in the isthmus.今年尼加瓜拉预计比地峡的其他国家有更多的外国直接投资,作为GDP的比重。

6.We agreed. " At this point Yeltsin struck the table and said, " Russia is not Nicaragua.这时叶利钦一拍桌子说:“俄罗斯不是尼加拉瓜。”

7.Another possible place was to the north: Nicaragua. President Roosevelt appointed a committee to decide which place would be better.罗斯福总统提名成立一个专门委员会来研究到底在什么地方开凿运河更好。

8.In 1960, he began to participate in the patriotic youth movement in Nicaragua.1960年,他开始参加尼加拉瓜爱国青年运动。

9.Its increasing difficulty finding competent employees in India has forced the company to expand its search to the Phipppines and Nicaragua.由于在印度招到合格的员工越来越难,这家公司不得不将招募范围扩大到菲律宾和尼加拉瓜。

10.Nicaragua is forecast to be the next country to become free of the humanitarian impact of mines ( "impact-free" ) in 2008.据预测尼加拉瓜将在2008年成为下一个“地雷不影响民生”(impactfree)的国家。