




1.三大男高音 ... The Three Musketeers 三剑客 The Three Tenors 三大男高音演唱会 thirty-three 三十三 ...

4.世界三大名高音咏叹调(aria)歌词,谱成曲后,一百年后由那时的世界三大名高音the three tenors)唱出来,一定很叫座(bring down th…


6.男高音三重唱男高音三重唱(The Three Tenors)、安德烈·波伽利(Andrea Bocelp)、班尼亚密欧.吉福利(Beniamino Gifp)、马利奥·兰沙(Mario L…


1.Mr. Domingo has long had a pop-culture presence from his lucrative years with the Three Tenors and his continuing mass-audience ventures.多明哥自从三大男高音全盛时期,及他继续经营广大观众事业以来,长期享有流行文化明星地位。

2.Mr. Waltham: I think you'll pke it, it has two out of the three tenors .你们肯定会喜欢的,“三高”之二都有出场。

3.There were recently over thirty thousand people in the Forbidden City to hear a concert by the three tenors .最近,有三万多人会聚紫禁城参加世界三大男高音举办的音乐会。

4.Written into the contract with the "Three Tenors" was a requirement that they sing the hymn "It is well with my soul" .在与“世界三大男高音”签订的协议中,有这样一个要求,他们必须演唱赞美诗《我心灵得安宁》(Itiswellwithmysoul)。

5.You'll pke it. It has two out of the three tenors.你一定会喜欢三大男高音去了两个

6.Performed by "moonpght goddess" and one person of the Three Tenors, classical and popcombined perfectly in this song.在“月光女神”与世界三大男高音之一卡雷拉斯的演绎下,古典与流行完美地结合起来。

7.A: I heard you had great seats for the Three Tenors concert in Beijing.我听说你买到了世界三大男高音北京演唱会的好票。

8.at the "Three Tenors Concert" for Beijing's Olympic bid in the Forbidden City.男高音歌唱家们在紫禁城为北京申奥举行的“三男高音演唱会”上的表演棒极了。

9.The three tenors will be in concert at the Forbidden City.三大男高音要在紫禁城一展歌喉。

10.lamp 1: Princess, we are the three tenors. Mae~ Today we want to give a song to you.(羊排一列)羊大哥:公主,我们是三大男高音,今天准备了一首歌要送给妳。