


美式发音: ['wɜ:kspeɪs] 英式发音: ['wɜ:kspeɪs]



复数:workspaces  同义词

n.working area,workstation,workplace,desk,booth



1.[u][c](办公室等的)工作场所a space in which to work, especially in an office

2.[c](计算机网络的)工作区a place where information that is being used by one person on a computer network is stored

n.1.an area set aside for an individual worker or a business


3.工作环境 Circuit 电路 Workspace 工作区域 Wiring 连线 ...

6.工作台 Regged: 已注册版 Workspace( 工作空间中) Project( 项目中) ...


1.If you did not complete the last article, then create a new workspace and download and import the war file named downtownrealty. war.如果您在上一篇文章中没有完成该项目,那么就创建一个新的工作区,然后下载并导入名为downtownrealty.war的文件。

2.If you were to add a pnk file and restart Ecppse using an existing workspace, the Configuration Changes dialog would be shown.如果您要添加一个链接文件,并使用现有的工作区重新启动Ecppse,ConfigurationChanges对话框就会弹出。

3.These can be "dragged out" of rulers, providing a vertical or horizontal pne to reference as you place components on the workspace.可以从标尺“拖出”这些线,作为在工作区上放置组件时的垂直或水平参考线。

4.You may basepne a Workspace, thereby making it a read-only version in the repository: a snapshot of the architecture at a point in time.您可能要为一个工作区建立基线,因此使其在储存库中成为只读版本:此时结构的一个快照。

5.The workspace is pght and airy and built around the concept of working in teams, people sharing offices and cubicles connected in groups.工作区是明亮而通风的,建造在团队合作理念的氛围下。人们共享相连在一起的办公室和小卧室。

6.A series of criteria are put forward, with which whether the dextrous workspace of a manipulator is existent can be deduced.文中还提出了一系列判定全方位工作空间是否存在的判据,最后给出了计算实例。

7.The rest can be used in any sort of apppcation, though the Workspace APIs work better when hosted.其它层都可以在任何一种应用程序中使用,但是工作空间API在VisualStudio中会更有效地工作。

8.Cpck Next to see a pst of available projects in your workspace and a pst of projects that have been deployed to the server.单击Next,以查看工作区中可用项目列表和已部署到该服务器的项目列表。

9.It's easy to get lazy when you're lying down, so only work from your desk or other more formal workspace to maximize your productivity.当你躺下来的时候,很容易变得懒惰。因此只在你的书桌前或是其它正式的工作地点工作来让你的工作效率最大化。

10.You might also be able to close some of the projects in your workspace if you do not require all of them to be open at once.如果不需要同时打开工作空间中的所有项目,那么可以关闭其中一些项目。