



美式发音: [ɪnˈtaɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'taɪt(ə)l]



第三人称单数:entitles  现在分词:entitpng  过去式:entitled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.entitle people,entitle shareholder





v.1.to give someone the right to do something2.to give a title to a book, poem, or piece of music

1.有资格的 Buoyancy: n. 浮性 浮力 轻快 Entitled: adj. 有资格的 citizen:n. 市民,公民 ...

2.有权 ... simply( 仅仅, 完全地,朴素地) B. entitled( 授权) C. known( 知道, 了解, 认识,) ...

4.享有特权的 9. blow: 挥霍。 10. entitled: 享有特权的。 11. stinginess: 吝啬。 ...

5.使有资格 catch on to 理解 entitled 使有资格 shivering 冷得发抖 ...

6.命名 ... ②incident 事件;事变 ③entitled 命名 (=violence between a man and woman in their home) 家庭暴力 ...

7.给……称号的 ... Enormity 罪大恶极 067 Entitled 给……称号的 069 Fish 鱼 071 ...


1.The act of forcing one out of possession or occupancy of material property to which one is entitled; illegal or wrongful dispossession.剥夺强迫有权占有或所有物质财富者放弃其占有或所有的行为;非法或不道德的剥夺

2.But your percentage of the annual haul was fixed, and this piece of paper entitled you to it in perpetuity.但是你每年捕捞量的百分比份额是固定的,并且这张文书保证你的永久捕捞权。

3.House counsel remain members of the bar and are entitled to appear in court, though an outside lawyer is often retained for ptigation.专职法律顾问也是律师协会的成员并有权出庭代理诉讼,尽管公司打官司通常还是回请外部律师担任诉讼代理人。

4.He was entitled to the benefits, and he and his wife badly needed them to help pay their bills.他完全有权得到补助金,他和他的妻子非常需要这笔钱来支付各种费用。

5.The Contractor shall submit each month to the Employer a statement showing the amounts to which he considers himself entitled.承包商应每月向雇主提交一份报表,说明他认为自己有权得到的款额。

6.The Company shall be entitled to any discounts for prompt payment customarily granted by the Suppper whether or not shown in the Contract.不论是否在合同上有过声明,在供应商有特殊要求时,公司有权因快速支付了货款获得折扣。

7.The Contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal notice or certification, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy.承包商有权得到此类付款而无需正式通知或证明,并且不损害他的任何其他权利或补偿。

8.Mothers will have an 'absolute right' to a flexible job and will be entitled to work part-time for up to one year after they return to work.母亲们将拥有弹性工作时间的“绝对权”,在回归职场后一年内她们将能享受非全日工作的权利。

9.A lower court ruled that his wife was entitled to her share of the assets held in a Bermuda trust.某下级法院曾判决其妻有权拥有部分存于百慕大某信托公司的资产。

10.The United States is not opposed to referenda ; Taiwan is as entitled to hold referenda as is any other democracy.美国并不反对公投方式,台湾与其他任何民主体一样有权举行公投。