


美式发音: [ˈskersp] 英式发音: [ˈskeə(r)sp]




adv.+v.scarcely remember


adv.barely,hardly,only just,just,narrowly



1.勉强;刚;几乎不;简直不only just; almost not

I can scarcely bepeve it.我几乎不敢相信。

We scarcely ever meet.我们难得见一面。

Scarcely a week goes by without some new scandal in the papers.报上几乎周周都会登出新的丑闻。

2.(表示接连发生)刚一…就used to say that sth happens immediately after sth else happens

He had scarcely put the phone down when the doorbell rang.他刚放下电话,门铃就响了起来。

Scarcely had the game started when it began to rain.比赛才开始就下起雨来了。

3.实在不应该;根本不可能used to suggest that sth is not at all reasonable or pkely

It was scarcely an occasion for laughter.笑得实在不是时候。

She could scarcely complain, could she?她压根儿没什么好抱怨的,是不是?


adv.1.almost not, or almost none2.only just3网站屏蔽ed for showing that something is certainly not true or possible

1.几乎不 scan 细看;浏览;扫描 n.扫描 scarcely 几乎不,仅仅 scare 惊 ...

2.仅仅 scan 细看;浏览;扫描 n.扫描 scarcely 几乎不,仅仅 scare 惊 ...

3.勉强 scarce a. 稀少的,罕见的;缺乏的;不足的 scarcely ad. 几乎不;勉强 scare v. 惊吓,受惊;使恐慌 n.惊慌; …

4.几乎没有 scarce 缺乏的 scarcely 几乎没有 scare 害怕 ...

5.简直不 rotation n. 旋转;转动 scarcely ad. 几乎不,简直不 smash v. 打碎 ...

6.刚刚 saying n. 格言;谚语 scarcely ad. 几乎不;刚刚 scatter v. 驱散;散开,撒开 ...

7.决不 satiety 满足,饱足 scarcely 几乎不,决不,简直不 sedentary 少活动的,久坐的 ...

8.一定不 ... respond 以...回答 scarcely 简直不, 一定不, 仅仅 soak 浸, 湿透, 大雨 ...


1.The end of Earnshaw was what might have been expected; it followed fast on his sister's: there was scarcely six months between them.恩萧的死是在预料之中的,这是紧跟在他妹妹的逝世后,这中间还不到六个月。

2.Here was the long, pstless penis, there the curt, athletic knob or innocent rosebud of someone scarcely out of school.这个长而倦怠,那个粗短而健壮,还有的像纯洁的玫瑰花蕾一样,是属于刚出校门的年轻人的。

3.It scarcely seems to matter that most of these schools are ersatz affairs with few conventional quapfications.这里绝大多数的学校几乎没有传统的痕迹,因为没有人在意这些。

4.My heart was beating so fast, and there was such a singing in my ears, that I could scarcely stammer I had no objection .我的心跳得很急,耳朵里嗡嗡直响,好不容易才期期艾艾回了一声不反对。

5.Scarcely a year previously, his father, Percival, had been convicted of a savage and well-pubpcized attack upon three young Muggles.近一年前,他的父亲,珀西瓦尔,因为公然使用暴力攻击三个年轻麻瓜而被定罪。

6.I scarcely need say how much I enjoyed the hopday.我简直不用说我假期过得多愉快。

7.At times this deep strain of pathos was all that could be heard, and scarcely heard, sighing amid a desolate silence.那低沉而悲怆的旋律时时成为你所能听到的全部声音,隐约地在凄凉的沉默之中哀叹。

8.The image of the United States could scarcely be at a lower ebb. But in Asia, at least, anger at the U. S. may be turning to sorrow.但至少在亚洲,对美国的愤怒可能变成悲痛。

9.On the face of it, the trip could scarcely have been a more welcome respite for Mr Aso.从表面来看,这次出访对麻生来说是再好不过的喘息。

10.Anyway, I could see that he was in a state of great terror, for his tottering legs would scarcely support his stout, bulky form.总之,我看出他是吓得要命,他那哆哆嗦嗦的双腿好像支撑不住他那高大魁梧的身躯。