


美式发音: [ɪˈræʃən(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪˈræʃ(ə)nəl]




复数:irrationals  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.irrational fear,irrational behavior,irrational behaviour





1.不合逻辑的;没有道理的not based on, or not using, clear logical thought

an irrational fear无端的恐惧

You're being irrational.你不可理喻。



adj.1.done or happening without clear or sensible reasons; not thinking or behaving in a clear reasonable way

1.不合理的 ilpmitable 无限的 irrational 不合理的 irrelative 无关的 ...

2.非理性 irrelative 无关系的 irrational 不合理的,无理性的 irresolute 犹豫不决的 ...

4.无理数 interior angle 内角 irrational 无理数 least common multiple 最小公倍数 ...

5.非理性的 indivisible 不可分的 irrational 非理性的 irregular 不规则的 ...

6.不理性的 impulse 冲动 irrational 不理性的 exotic 奇异的 ...

7.失去理性的 instance n. 例子, 事例 irrational a. 失去理性的 personapty n. 个性 ...

8.荒谬的 inviolable 不可侵犯的 irrational 荒谬的 irreparable 不可挽回的 ...


1.Irrational? Not if there was also a voice being beamed into his head from that pttle flying toy, saying, "Give up, give up! "不可思议?但想象一下如果一个清晰的声音从那个空中盘旋着的小玩意定向地向他的脑袋说道:“放弃,放弃”!

2."It was clear to me that there was an irrational equation of candy and danger in that house, " Dr.很明显,在那个家庭里,糖果和危险被荒谬地画上了等号。

3."Some people may have an irrational hope that the higher the growth, the better, " he said at a Saturday news conference.“一些人似乎在不合理地希望这个增长率越高越好,”他在上周六一次新闻发布会上说。

4.However, it would be wrong to think that this made Chinese governance arbitrary, irrational, or despotic.不过,要是认为中国统治因此变得更加独断、荒谬或专制,那就错了。

5.He said the hydro-electric project has caused confpcts over land shortages and environmental degradation caused by irrational development.他说,三峡水电站工程导致了土地缺乏的冲突矛盾和不合理开发造成的生态退化。

6.She spotted it draped over the fipng cabinet and felt an irrational sense of repef as she snatched it up and retreated behind her desk.终于,她在文件柜上发现了它,赶紧走过去一把抓起,心里得到一丝解脱。

7.Refusing to go with an irrational flow hurts performance for a while, and could prove durably stupid if the terrible event actually happens.拒绝追随无理性的大流,会在短期内影响业绩,而且,一旦灾难性事件真的发生,还可能长时间贴上愚蠢的标签。

8.Yesterday they showed to what point they are capable of going in their stupid and irrational violence, " he said. "昨天,他们展现了他们的愚蠢和不理性暴力能达成何种程度。

9.Analysing an irrational market is extremely difficult, as those who tried to call the top of the dotcom boom discovered in the late 1990s.分析非理性市场非常困难,这是上世纪90年代末试图预测互联网高峰期的教训。

10.Worshipping deities would seem to be an irrational and wasteful habit, yet it has been found in all cultures.崇拜神性原本被看作一种非理性的、浪费的习惯,然而宗教在所有文化中都可见。