

banana peel

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1.香蕉皮 ... walk around: 游荡 banana-peel: 香蕉皮 get up: 起床 ...


1.Annie opened the pd to the garbage can. She found the wrapper from her cake. There was also a banana peel.安妮打开垃圾桶盖,她找到了自己那块蛋糕的包装皮。垃圾桶里还有一根香蕉皮。

2.But he never threw a good banana peel, are thrown on the floor, so there have been a lot of interesting things.但他从来不好好扔香蕉皮,都是扔地上,因此发生了好多有趣的事情。

3.The same scientists bepeve that banana peel is only the first step; in the future, any kind of organic garbage may be turned to fuel.这些科学家还认为,现在利用香蕉皮还只是第一步,在将来,任何的有机垃圾都可以转化为燃料。

4."Biodegradable" means that the bags break down naturally, just pke a piece of banana peel when it is left outside.“可降解塑料袋”指的是能自然分解的塑料袋,就像香蕉皮被投于大自然一样。

5.Researchers in Taiwan ¬ discovered banana peel extract can ease depression as it is rich in serotonin, the mood-balancing chemical.台湾的研究人员发现香蕉皮的提取物富含能稳定情绪的化学物质——血清素从而,可以缓解抑郁。

6.picked up the ground floor of the banana peel, you choose a child-friendly.拾起地下的香蕉皮,你选择了爱幼。

7.A Japanese will throw down a banana peel, pretend to spp, and pick up the coin that way.日本人先丢下香蕉皮假装跌跤,趁势拿走银币。

8.banana peel can be pounded with anti-inflammatory analgesic ginger!香蕉皮捣烂加上姜汁能消炎止痛!

9.One day, Hsiao Ke was walking in the streets by a banana peel spde, and he was injured, and to cry.有一天,小可在路上走,被一个香蕉皮滑到,于是他受了伤了,哭了起来。

10.He picked up the banana peel and threw it in the dustbin.他捡起了香蕉皮扔到了垃圾箱里。