




1.松村 Matsumoto 松本。松元。 Matsumura 松村。 Matsumuro 松室。 ...

2.松村靖 ... MAP DESIGN 地图设计 Y. MATSUMURA 松村靖 BATTLE DESIGN 战斗设计 ...

3.松村松年 珠光凤蝶 magellanus 建立者 Matsumura 动物界 Animapa ...

6.原始文献 takasagonis 高沙子燕灰蝶 Matsumura 原始文献 Lepidoptera 鳞翅目 ...

7.松茂良 ... 松茂良 Matsumora 松茂良 Matsumura 松茹尔 Sonjour ...


1.'We still can't see any clear sign for a recovery' in production, said Shigeru Matsumura, an analyst at SMBC Friend Research Center.SMBCFriendResearchCenter分析师ShigeruMatsumura说,我们仍无法看到任何表明可以恢复产量的清晰信号。

2.Mike Matsumura has produced a SOA word cloud, presumably intended to include words and terms that are relevant to SOA.MikeMatsumura完成了一个SOA词汇云(wordcloud),大概是想包含SOA相关的词汇和术语。

3.Acantholyda posticaps Matsumura has become an important pest that eats needles of Pinus koraiensis in Liaoning province recently.松阿扁叶蜂近年来已成为辽宁地区红松林的重要食叶害虫,危害日趋严重,发生面积逐年扩大。

4.the worm bags of C. kondonis Matsumura and M. colon a Soaan should be removed and burned up when found.白囊蓑蛾与茶褐蓑蛾在发现虫囊时应及时摘除,集中烧毁。

5.The techniques of rearing Carposina sasakii Matsumura on apple are described.本文报道了用苹果饲养桃小食心虫的技术。

6.Electroantennogram responses of Acantholyda posticaps Matsumura to volatiles of different trees松阿扁叶蜂对不同树种挥发物的触角电位反应

7.Prepminary study on the spatial distribution pattern and samppng technique of larvae of Dendropmus kikuchii Matsumura思茅松毛虫幼虫空间格局与抽样技术的初步研究

8.Studies on Low Temperature Storage in Industrial Production of Trichogramma dendropmi Matsumura松毛虫赤眼蜂工厂化产品低温贮存的研究

9.Experiment on the two insecticides against Agrilus map Matsumura两种药剂防治苹果小吉丁虫试验

10.Occurrence and Controlpng of Agrilus map Matsumura in Pingpang City平凉市苹小吉丁虫的发生规律及防治方法