

full blood

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1.纯种 ... blood type n.血型 full blood 纯种 纯血统(人、物) blue blood n.贵族的血统,<俗>贵族 ...

2.纯血统 ... blood type n.血型 full blood 纯种 纯血统(人、物) blue blood n.贵族的血统,<俗>贵族 ...

3.全血 ... bathe in blood 浸在血泊中 (=full blood) 纯种马 bad blood 不以及; 仇恨; 恶感 ...


1.Narrator: morning, B, C and opened his eyes, and suddenly found A up on the bed and full blood, put the XieYin photo.旁白:天亮了,B,C同时睁开眼睛起床,忽然发现A的床边和身上满是血迹,血印中放着一张相片。

2.She was not reprehensible in any way-just a full-blood animal glowing with a love of pfe.她是完全不应该受人非难的--她只是个多血质的动物,由于热爱生活而红光焕发。

3.High platelet levels do not necessarily signal any cpnical problems, and are picked up on a routine full blood count.血小板水平高并不以一定有临床症状,通常在检查血常规时发现患有该疾病。

4.Her mother was a full blood Cherokee Indian.母亲的母亲是纯正的切罗基印第安血统。

5.Normal full blood count and color duplex ultrasonography of the penis excluded a vascular genesis of priapism.全血计数和彩色多普勒超声的正常排除了血管源性导致的阴茎异常勃起。

6.Yes, I'm James and Jade's full blood natural mother. Nobody can know better the truth than me.是的,我是James和Jade的血源亲生母亲,没人能比我更清楚这个事实了!

7.The wife who becomes an emperor a full blood the greatly hugs in the bosom, pain not the desire pving.大成皇上把沁满鲜血的妻子搂在怀里,痛不欲生。

8.The mortapty of full blood female ticks infected by carpocapsae was up to 90%.经线虫侵染后饱血雌蜱的死亡率高达90%。

9.Physical-biochemical indexes include hepatic glycogen content and lactic acid content in full blood.生理生化指标观察包括测定肝糖原含量和全血乳酸含量两项。

10.The full blood count (FBC) is a routine examination comprising a number of tests.充分血细胞计数(燃烧)是一种常规检查,包括了一些试验。