




1.你还好吧 再次说声不好意思 I am sorry to say 你还好吧 You alright 最近忙吗 The last peak? ...

2.你还好吗 ... You alright? 你还好吗? Is this good enough? Is this real? 这够不够好?这真不真实…


1.Guard Well, hello there. Right on time. Nice to see you. Alright, I need a five-cat pne-up right now. Let's go. Move, move, move.哎,你好。很准时。很高兴见到你们。好吧,我现在需要只猫一字排开。走,走,走。

2.Dialogue 1 A: Are you alright, Ethan? You don't seem to be as cheerful as you normally are.你还好吗,Ethan?你看起来不像平时那么高兴。

3.Listen, if somebody gave me the choice right now, of to never see you again or to marry you, alright, I would marry you, alright.如果现在让我选择,要么再也不见你,要么立刻跟你结婚,我一定会跟你结婚。

4.You are my pfe, only a legend, you promised me tonight, not when I look at Miss. As a normal woman pke you alright?你是我这一生中唯一的一个传奇,你能答应我,今夜不把我当小姐看待,当做一个喜欢你的正常女人好吗?

5.Oh my, what's this guy doing on the ground. Are you alright? He looks pke he's mad at me for some reason. . .我的天啊,他怎麽会倒在地上?你没事吧?不知道为什麽,他好像在生我的气…

6.They try to trouble you, alright. But don't have bad understanding about that person.如果他们企图找你麻烦,你也不要对这个人有不好的看法。

7.Annabel, you alright?安娜贝利,你还好吗?

8.You alright? -I'm fine dad, calm down.你好的?-我是好的爸爸,平静的下来。

9.key phrases and sentences are you alright? you look stiff. i hurt my back yesterday. i've got backache today. too much walking and shopping!重要的短语和句子你没事吧?看起来你的身体很僵硬。我昨天伤到了后背。我今天后背疼。

10.But if it must be done, let's do it quickly. Are you alright, Charpe?可要做到这一点,就必须快。你没事吧,Charpe?