




1.上床 get to the airport 到达机场 get into bed 上床 get through the work 做完工作 ...

2.钻被窝 hold off 使拖延 get into bed 钻被窝 go to bed 去睡觉 ...

3.上床去 switch off the alarm 关掉闹铃, get into bed 上床去, have something to eat 有些东西吃, ...

4.躺在床上 ... 1. It’s time to take a nap. 该睡午觉了。 2. Get into bed. 躺在床上。 3. Get under the covers. 盖好被子。 ...


1."Any kind of sexual stimulation is good, " she said. "Don't wait to feel sexy. Just get into bed with your partner. "“任何种类的性刺激都是有益的,”她说,“不要等着自己感到性感,只需要与你的另一半一起上床。”

2."The emotion is very different if you are trying to stay away from a woman or trying to get into bed with her, " says one European official.“你努力想要挣脱一个女人和你与一个女人上床时的情感是很不相同的。”一位欧洲官员这样认为。

3.Once you know your sleep position you can move into it immediately once you get into bed.要是你晓得自己的睡姿,你就可以在上床时候马上摆好姿势。

4.I do not remember how I got home, but I do remember Steerforth helping me to undress and get into bed.我不记得当时是怎么回的家,但我依然记得是斯提福兹帮我脱了衣服,把我弄上床。

5.Walk the dog, brush your teeth, lay out clothing for the next day, and get into bed.溜狗,刷牙,准备妥当第二天的衣服后就去睡觉。

6.To get into bed, he took off one shoe, then the other.上床时,他拖掉一只鞋子,然后拖掉另外一只。

7.Mr Tsvangirai's decision to get into bed with the despotic Mr Mugabe has been much criticised, not least in his own party.茨万吉拉伊先生打算和专制的穆加贝先生上同一条船的决定受到了强烈的批评,这些批评不仅仅来自党内。

8.He suddenly felt sick, and was sick twice before he could even get into bed.他突然恶心,而且连床都没上就吐了两次。

9.At night I would sometimes feel someone get into bed with me and feel two pttle hands in the small of my back.到了晚上,我有时会觉得有人钻到了我的被窝里面,能感到有两只小手在背后摸我的腰部。

10.Six weeks ago when I was in your office, you told me to go home, get into bed and stay there until you called. But you never called.六周以前我在你的办公室,你告诉我让我回家去卧床直到你来访。但你从未来访。