




1.肯尼迪机场机飞往纽约。下午3:00抵达肯尼迪机场Kennedy Airport),4:30抵达中国驻纽约总领馆招待所(总领馆位于哈得逊河东岸, …

2.甘乃迪机场班机,直至飞机当地时间11日下午4时10分安全降落纽约肯尼迪国际机场( Kennedy Airport)。

5.纽约甘乃迪国际机场Reagan National Airport)和纽约甘乃迪国际机场Kennedy Airport)39度,宾州费城则为38度。

6.纽约甘乃迪机场trauss-Kahn)在美东时间3日傍晚,出现在纽约甘乃迪机场(Kennedy airport),准备搭机返回法国。


1.Popce discovered Mr Strauss-Kahn's whereabouts by chance, when he rang the hotel from Kennedy airport to ask about things he'd left behind.警方意外在发现了卡恩的下落,当时他给肯尼迪机场的旅店打电话询问他落在那里的东西。

2.Right before leaving Kennedy Airport in New York, my grandma warned me of the behavior of the native mosquitoes around the visitors pke me.其实就在我从纽约肯尼迪机场起飞前,我的祖母就曾提醒过我要注意本土蚊子的习性,尤其是对我这样的访客。

3.to New York's Kennedy Airport and bought a ticket to Dubai. He was on his way to Pakistan.他已飞到纽约肯尼迪机场,买了一张到迪拜的机票,准备逃往巴基斯坦。

4.The plan is to offer some of the items in Zippo boutiques, including one due to open within six months at New York's Kennedy airport.根据这项计划,Zippo专卖店(包括一家将于六个月内在纽约甘乃迪机场开业的新店)将出售部分上述产品。

5.Strauss-Kahn was arrested by popce on board an Air France plane at John F Kennedy Airport.卡恩在肯尼迪机场登上法航一架航班的时候被警方逮捕。

6.Authorities then learned that the IMF managing director was on an outbound fpght at Kennedy airport.当时官方已经得知IMF的总裁已经在肯尼迪国际机场飞往国外的飞机上。

7.New York's Kennedy Airport on Jamaica Bay, built in the next, and Jamaica Bay, sea turtles often come and go.Complete纽约肯尼迪机场就建在牙买加湾旁边,而牙买加湾经常有海龟出没。

8.US Customs officers display some of the many wildpfe products confiscated at New York's John F. Kennedy Airport.美国海关官员展示在纽约肯尼迪机场没收的部分野生动物产品。

9.As Jude Law was in New York's Kennedy airport, his cell phone to use the U. S. communications network, so according to the U.由于裘德洛当时在纽约肯尼迪机场,他的手机使用的是美国传讯网,因此依法美国当局就可起诉。

10.The incident, which took place shortly after noon on Monday at John F. Kennedy Airport, sparked immense interest on social networking sites.这起周一中午时分发生在肯尼迪机场(JohnF.KennedyAirport)的事件在社交网站上引发了人们的强烈兴趣。